07-11-2016 01:29 PM
The issue you’re experiencing: Suresignal not working
What light sequence you're seeing: (Power - flashing, Internet - off, In Service - orange, In Use - orange)
Your speed test results from here. 74.4Mb download /18.56Mbs upload
Your external IP address from here.
Your Sure Signal serial number: 42151572304
The results of a traceroute.
VSS Traceroute command
Paste the output of this command into your reply.
Glenns-Mac-mini:~ glennhalliday$
-bash: command not found
Glenns-Mac-mini:~ glennhalliday$
08-11-2016 03:02 PM
@gchalliday I've checked your serial number and can see your Vodafone Sure Signal hasn't contacted our server in a long period of time.
I've resynced your device to help resolve the issue. Please allow 6 hours to pass before resetting your device.
If you could could also kindly check the physical connection between your Vodafone Sure Signal and your router.
You'll need to try a different Ethernet cable if you continue having issues after the reset.