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Vodafone Home Broadband / Vodafone Connect

2: Seeker
2: Seeker
Hi there. Firstly the speeds and setup on my broadband have been great, so has most of the customer support I have had with initial gremlins on setup

I do have two big headaches though. I have a zyxcel nsa325 network drive which I store music, photos, movies etc on and On my old plusnet modem I just plugged it in the ethernet port and my Hitachi tv saw it. Now although the drive is visible through my PC and is visible wordlessly on the home network, the drive is not seen by my TV *unless the drive is plugged directly into the the ethernet port on the TV. So what setting am missing, there is no help or suggestions on the net, with it being a new modem there is no firmware 6 for it either.

Secondly, when I signed up for vodafone home broadband I was told that I would get 10 email addresses too, I have no idea where they are or indeed the pop/ settings for the addresses or the settings so I can send emails on my current email address.

Hope someone can help and thanks in advance

373 REPLIES 373

4: Newbie
I'll be leaving when contract is up. In the world of smart/connected houses this is a weak link

4: Newbie
Vodafone router is "not fit for purpose" that's grounds to leave without penalty. The fact they also admit it is even worst

I find it very strange that I can walk into Currys/PCWorld and walk out with a shiny new all singing and dancing router that I can't use!


Surely it's not worth losing customers over? Can't we just get the password? Alternatively the current router is now nearly 2 years old. Can we have updated one please?

I have been told the solution to this problem is to attach an AP to the router.

I thought this was a temporary solution to allow VF to investigate the problem more in details.

I have now opened a formal complaint after reading this post.

Two years without fixing a problem like this cannot be considered a lack of knowledge, but only negligence and poor consideration regarding the customers' requests.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Please contact our Broadband team here for further assistance.

10: Established
10: Established



Given this is an extensive thread on a known (and confirmed) issue with the firmware of the router, this is quite a insulting response.  If you would like to provide some assistence, then an ETA on the fix is what everyone here is after.

Agree. The issue is here since two years and it has been already confirmed by your support team over the phone. So, what am I supposed to tell them?

@sukhi I echo the other comments - this issue has been reported and acknowledged multiple times, so there doesn't seem to be any benefit in us contacting support again.


Like others, I am watching the end date of my two contracts approach - unles the issue is fixed or you give us some useful information on your plans to fix it, then you will be losing this long-term customer (25 years without break).

3: Seeker
3: Seeker
Thanks I will try tonight

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

So, after filing a complaint, I received a call from VF saying they had updated their firmware to fix the connectivity problem.

I haven't faced the issue in the last two days.

I'll keep an eye on it in the next week.

I would suggest all the users of this thread to give it a try and submit a reply and share your experience with the new firmware.