16-02-2015 09:07 PM
Power - flashing, Internet - off, In Service - orange, In Use - orange.
I bought the Sure Signal 3 today to replace one I had for years that worked with BT ADSL but which wouldn't work with BT Infinity.
I have seen conflicting statements on this forum as to whether Sure Signal of whatever variety works with BT Infinity.
If BT/Vodafone cannot get their act together, a complaint to OFCOM is on the cards.
Solved! Go to best answer.
17-02-2015 11:38 PM
This post says the latest firmware rollout might have broken a couple of things:
and this one says there is an 'Allow all Applications' option..? (inbound, bottom of the list)
Sorry I can't be more help, but if you want a quick fix, get your hands on something like a Billion 8800NL (I only suggest this one as it is the one I ended up going for, I think the Asus N66U will work too, and probably thousands of others...), put in your username and password, if everything starts working you can keep it, otherwise send it back under your cooling off period - distance selling regulations can be handy
There is also the Billion 8800 AXL, which is better spec'd if you need the extra performance.
Or you could wait for BT to figure out how not to break things, personally I like the fact they can't meddle with my router...
29-09-2015 12:11 PM
Oh... is that the official line? No workarounds?
What is the best router to get which works with the sure signal?
29-09-2015 12:15 PM
Not sure it's official as such - I'm a customer just like you - but this has been discussed on the forum many times and it's always the same. I have a Home Hub and that works fine on my domestic Infinity connection but business connections are different.
Not sure what else to recommend. Someone else in the community might be able to suggest something.
29-09-2015 01:40 PM
if you read back through this very thread, there are at least 2 recommendations for routers and instructions on what things you might need to configure.
29-09-2015 09:38 PM
I junked the BT router and got a Billion BiPAC 8800AXL.
It works.
22-02-2015 10:57 AM
@jhopkins wrote:I was told by the Vodaphone salesman that the SSV3 is incompatible with BT internet.
For the record this is wholly untrue. I have an SS3 working perfectly with BT Infinity as did the V2 before it until it broke.
I have done nothing to configure it with my Home Hub (latest version) and did not need to open any ports.
22-02-2015 12:26 PM
I repeat...the Vodaphone regional Suresignal 'expert' told me by phone that SS3 is incompatible with BT without 'opening ports' on my router. BT ( my ISP) have told me the same. I don't see what either company would gain by telling me this if it was not true.
22-02-2015 12:47 PM
If they said it I'm sure it's because they believe it to be the case. I'm telling you as a fellow customer with no axe to grind in any direction that it categorically isn't true in all cases. My SS3 works perfectly with my BT Home Hub 5 on BT Infinity and required no configuration from me or the opening of any ports.
22-02-2015 01:07 PM
And mine does not...period. And I thought I had said that I don't have a BT home hub. Also, the fact that they believe it to be true doies not mean it is. As someone who had no troubles connecting, you stand alone on this forum.
22-02-2015 01:18 PM
I've had other routers on the same connection and they also worked perfectly (Netgear and Draytek). And given that BT is the predominant supplier of broadband in this country and there are tens of thousdands of Sure Signals out there, it's hardly likely that I'm a single case where it happens to work.
There are clearly cases where people have problems (forums are only there for people who have problems) but the vast majority of users don't have any issues.
My point was to highlight to you and anyone else reading that Vodafone Sure Signals and BT broadband ARE compatible.
Good luck getting your issues resolved.
22-02-2015 06:29 PM
As advised by hater_of_sheep, I swopped out the BT Business Hub 5 for the Billion BiPAC 8800AXL. It arrived this afternoon and the SS3 worked first time.
Thanks hater_of_sheep!