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Vodafone and iphone 6 - intermittent issue with 'No Service' that can only be fixed by a restart.

2: Seeker
2: Seeker
Hello, there is a problem with the iPhone 6 that periodically (more than once a day) the phones switches to 'no service' and this can only be fixed by restarting the phone or removing and replacing the sim. Apple initially thought this was a hardware issue so have replaced my phone. No change. I have also replaced my sim. No change. I have wiped my whole phone so it has no apps, Apple or 3rd party, no change. Turns out I'm not the only person having this problem:

It would appear its a problem with the interaction between Vodafone, 4g and the iPhone 6.

How will this be resolved?



2: Seeker
2: Seeker
That's good of Vodafone!
"Yes, we know our service is rubbish so you need to buy this extra thing to make it less rubbish"

What they fail to point out is the people suffering the most seem to be in areas with poor cell coverage. People who probably suffer with limited access to high speed broadband.
We have one of these suresignals at work and it's about as much use as a bikini to a baboon.
I need to look into this clause 11b when I get home...

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Hogatron wrote:
I need to look into this clause 11b when I get home...

An issue with the phone itself won't get you out of your contract as the handset is specifically excluded from the contract.


Thanks for the info. I kept my last phone for a long time after I could have upgraded. In effect I was paying for a new phone I didn't have or need. This time I bought the phone direct from Apple and started a sim only contract with Vodafone. All they are providing is a network connection. If Apple check the phone and say it is in perfect working order and I can use it without problem on another network (PAYG temporarily) then Vodafone can go and whistle providing I give them the opportunity to provide the service they are contracted for.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@ChattyLeRoux wrote:
All they are providing is a network connection. If Apple check the phone and say it is in perfect working order and I can use it without problem on another network (PAYG temporarily) then Vodafone can go and whistle providing I give them the opportunity to provide the service they are contracted for.

Again, be careful on just ending your contract and not seeing it through.  If you read through your contract it also does state that there is no guarantee of fault free service. 


I ported over on Monday and get the same issues.


It only happens at work where the signal inside the building is crap/non existent.


As soon as you go outside you get 3/4 bar 4g reception and iPhone tells me "no service". Fixes with a restart or popping the sim in and out and sometimes doesn't happen at all.


So I go to work with perfect signal, enter the building, go back outside and I'm told there is no service.


Shouldn't happen on a premium phone or even a £10 one! 


I'm within my cooling off period so I may go back to o2.

Thanks.. Good advice.  It would be extremely foolish to try and just end the contract.  There is a proper way to handle such matters; the least of which is sending letters to Vodafone stating the problems and giving them the opportunity to fix things.  I should add that nobody expects a fault free service but myself and other people have been getting no service.  If someone goes a month without being able to make or receive calls that is no service.

8: Helper
8: Helper
I think I've fixed this for me. I had the same problem on Vodafone UK. iPhone 6 with latest firmware would show no service and toggling airplane mode did not help. Only a full reboot would fix it however at the moment the following seems to have worked.

Settings > mobile > mobole data network > under LTE settings enter the following.
APN Internet
username WAP
password WAP

this instantly fixed the no service bug and it has not happened since. Even though this setting is optional I think there's a bug in the firmware that looks for this if it toggles quickly between 3G and 4G.

I'd be grateful if others could try this and report back. If you're with another network you will need to find your 4G settings.

So far, since I added the WAP/WAP user/password in the LTE settings I have not had the No Signal condition. Early days but so far so good.


I tried the fix above with APN Internet and WAP passwords. It seemed to work for a day or so, but now it's back to what it was before. Intermittent cut out with "No Service" and the only way to restore it is to turn the phone off and on again.


Has anyone else found a solution to the problem?


I presume vodafone support is as useless as ever with this? Been with vodafone for a month and it's been non-stop issues.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

@smap wrote:

I tried the fix above with APN Internet and WAP passwords. It seemed to work for a day or so, but now it's back to what it was before. Intermittent cut out with "No Service" and they only way to restore it is to turn the phone off and on again.


Has anyone else found a solution to the problem?


I presume vodafone support is as useless as ever with this? Been with vodafone for a month and it's been non-stop issues.



Can you try your sim card in another phone ? A friends or family members maybe


Sim card adapters are available at vodafone stores to temp make your nano sim into a standard or micro size if the alternative phone takes another sized sim card.


If the sim works fine in another phone then if you have an apple store local you could have a diagnostic run on it via a genius bar appointment.

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Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.