31-05-2015 08:45 AM
31-05-2015 09:07 PM
I am also having the same problem. I have a SureSignal which is working ok, but it does not appear on my dashboard so I am unable to add a new number to it.
I was trying to re-register my husband's Vodafone number - he has just swapped phone, but retained his number. He has no signal and I wanted to re-register his number with the Sure Signal...but it's not there!
I am a pay monthly customer, the device is version 2 and it is most definitely registered to my account.
Mods - could you help us please?
Many thanks
01-06-2015 05:39 PM
Hi @2LeftFeet and @mariahayesyapp
Please take a look at our Sure Signal Troubleshooting thread. If this doesn’t resolve your query, please post your reply either below, or in the relevant thread, together with the details requested, including the following information.
Your speed test results from here.
Your ping test results from here.
Your external IP address from here.
The results of a traceroute.
Your Sure Signal serial number:
VSS Traceroute command
On a PC:
Click on Start and select Run
Type CMD into the Run box and press enter/click ok
A black box will appear.
In this box type tracert press Enter
Paste the output of this command into your reply.
This will help us get the quickest possible resolution for you.
04-06-2015 06:44 PM
Hi Sarah
My details as follows:
Ping 89 ms
Speed - 2.49 download and 0.51 upload
External IP address
I cannot do the traceroute as described because I am working with a Mac, not a Pc
05-06-2015 11:16 AM
Having same problem as above, Suresignal is working but no longer appears when I log in to My Vodafone so I cant manage the users.
Ping 45 ms
Speed - 2.4 download and 0.39 upload
External IP address
Please could you assist?
05-06-2015 11:24 AM
Re: Vodafone sure signal is no longer on my account
Having same problem as the people above, Suresignal is working but no longer appears when I log in to My Vodafone so I cant manage the users.
Ping 45 ms
Speed - 2.4 download and 0.39 upload
External IP address
Suresignal serial: 21221615954
Wasn't able to see "Run" when I click on Start menu in windows so couldn't do the traceroute VSS you requested.
Please assist!
08-06-2015 05:12 PM
Hi guys,
@mariahayesyapp - the info you’re provided looks fine.
Please get back to us with your serial number and we'll look into this further.
There are guides available online for how to perform a traceroute when using a Mac.
@cathmarsh – Your Sure Signal's deregistered.
You can register this again online by logging into your My Vodafone account.
09-06-2015 10:06 AM
thanks for your reply but what you've said isnt right...I log into My Vodafone but there is no option there for me to re-register my suresignal. I've spent hours looking around My Vodafone for it. Please provide clear, step by step instructions on exactly where it is found. Perhaps if you gave me the url of the page where I register it, I could type that in, to get round the problem that the link within My Vodafone seems to have disappeared.
Yours very frustrated....
Cath Marsh
10-06-2015 01:11 PM - edited 10-06-2015 01:40 PM
@cathmarsh - Next to the main number on your account, select 'Manage' and then under account services you'll see 'Manage services'.
You'll then see the Sure Signal option.
If it's still not showing, please contact us via Live help.
19-06-2015 09:06 PM