06-11-2014 06:34 PM
I have just upgraded to iphone 6 from an iphone 5 and from a personal to business account with a new sim card.
When someone leaves a voicemail I now get a text message telling me to call 121. On my previous phone I just got
the icon over the voice mail button showing the number of voice mails left. Dose anyone know how to get this back and stop the pesky text messages ?
06-11-2014 07:07 PM
Those options are chosen by calling voicemail itself on 191. It is independent of the phone.
Personally, I use 3rd party apps for a visual voicemail experience - Hullomail is my choice. It shows who has called and left a message, who has called and not left a message including times when the phone wasn't connected to the network and can also copy the message to an email. You can also have individual greetings for different contacts.
The basic app is free and some of the more sophisticated functions require a subscription of a few pounds a year.
If your using your phone for business you should consider it - it's a great business tool.
06-11-2014 07:39 PM
I dialed 191 and get customer services, I have tried 121 and settings but it dosn't seem to offer options for my problem.
I will try the app you suggest.