26-03-2010 04:46 PM
26-03-2010 04:59 PM
26-03-2010 05:09 PM
Hi enigmass39
Welcome to the forum!!
The first thing that catches people out on Vodafone Mobile Connect is, we don't charge based on time, we charge based on volume.
If you computer is reporting that you have used half your usage already, I would suspect that maybe something running in the background (virus updates, windows/OS updates third party program updates). These can be quite troublesome to the average PC user as you wouldn't know they are running, especially if your PC hasn't bee connect to the internet for quite some time.
As an example I visited my mother about 2 months ago, she is a regular PC user but hadn't updated her windows in 6 months (since the last time i visited and told her how to do it, which she promptly forgot how to do it) Once this started, this pulled down about 200 megabytes of information, which had this been on a Mobile Connect would have taken a small chunk out of her usage with out her knowing.
My best suggestion would be to make sure your PC isn't downloading anything in the background.
All the best
eForum Team
26-03-2010 05:19 PM