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2.4ghz and latest router unable to connect to this years latest cctv camera

Not applicable

Alas after many conversations with Vodafone support i never got a an answer to the problem i am on the latest router, i should have gone to sky or did they copy the BT router as well ? when i was on BT i had the exact same problem , unable to split the 5 and 2.4 settings i think they believe that everything is set at 2.4, alas my latest i mean this years design is still on 2.4 GHz and i cant get it to connect IE router not found message, i would pull out my hair but an update or BT guy switching off the system i lost all my 2.4 switches again, i cannot wait for my contract to end with Vodafone , i will be moving to a company that has a 2.4 frequency my items can attach to and also a 5 and 6 GHz support alas is a nightmare and i gave up i had hoped any updates they had done was to allow a quick switch to 2.4 maybe on the guest frequency or Vodafone frequency and leave the premium to run on 5 & 6 but no luck my item was a CCTV camera this years model now sent back as i cannot get it to join the party as its frequency was 2.4 GHz i know many people have the same problem 



Not applicable

so can i use another make router ? i was not informed by tech as i do have one sorry brain fog hits me dammed disability i have polio type 3 and now post-polio and now retired i am trying to ensure all these work as i have no idea my lifespan and i want it safe for my wife sometimes sitting next to the router it does not pick up on the phone, you think i would know better as an org tops officer i remember using card punch data input machines 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

If you can get hold of another router you could just plug it's wan port to one of the vodafone's lan port, turn off the vodafone wifi and connect to the new router. I imagine, being post-polio online gaming won't be a thing, so this double NAT setup wouldn't be a problem. The only thing I want to point out is if you want to use another router on it' s own you'd lose easy access to the Digital Voice phone service hence me not actually recommending that. 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I can only see that all going wrong, if you've changed the default SSID on the router and when it "reboots" it forgot the changed SSID/Pass.  But even then the fix would be to initially restore the SSID/pass on the router, and then replace the faulty router.
The only other thing that springs to mind would be that you have a device other than the router that is attempting to act as a DHCP server (a second router, a -rare- switch, the Hikvison controller, a NAS, or something).

Not applicable

only got the hik unit in the last month no other items except nearly all small electronics rely on 2.4 ghz frequency and wont connect because they detect 5GHz IE weighing scale bedside clock WiFi cameras why they just dont update firmware to allow the ability to turn off 5g for a while to enable these items to connect, if they have never connected resetting the system would not help i will be walking from vodaphone as soon as i can i pay top price and still cannot set my clock weather station to the internet also dont understand why the internet seems to slow down at certain times 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Anonymous wrote:
nearly all small electronics rely on 2.4 ghz frequency and wont connect because they detect 5GHz 

It would appear @anonymous has left the forum, but for anyone else reading this. the problem with 2.4GHz only devices is not "because they detect 5GHz". They can't, it's impossible.

Lets hope whoever they go to can supply them with a router on which they can split the bands, shame we will never know how they get on.

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

I have the THG3000 router and it (and previous router) won't connect to 2.4GHz devices unless you log into the router and change the 5GHz  wi-fi to 20MHz/40MHz.

I have 10  x 2.4GHz devices in the house and they work perfectly.

Just remember to set it back to where it was.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Interesting fix - noted.

I'd like to see if this helps others. 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member


If you have that option, do you not also have the option to split the bands? Jayach_0-1686500143167.png


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Jayach PM m8

That would be handy but no I don't have that screen on my THG3000. I have:


That's been the same on my routers for I reckon 4 or 5 years.

A couple of weeks ago my heating thermostat (2.4GHz) lost its wi-fi signal so the only way to reconnect was to connect to the 5GHz and drop it temporarily to 20/40MHz. I figured that out years ago might even have been with a BT router I don't recall. I realised if the device can only see 5GHz then if I drop that to a lower band it might work. It does.

Not sure what other people do there must be 10000s of people with no 2.4GHz option. Vodafone aren't the only supplier like that as mentioned by the OP. I have seen reviews for devices on Amazon where people have complained there was no 2.4GHz on their router.