10-08-2020 10:09 AM
Can anyone help?
Every working day (I don't notice at the weekends) between 09:00 and 10:30, it's not consistent, my broadband connection drops out, it's not a WiFi thing as my hardwired Xbox also disconnects from the internet.
This usually happens once or twice in the same time period for a short time and a re-connection on my PC or a Xbox restart fixes the issue - but now I am working from home I've had to re-jig meetings as the drop-outs are very irritating. Occasionally it has dropped out for 30 mins or more.
11-09-2022 07:23 PM
Any provider or just vf?
11-09-2022 08:58 PM
I use to have this issue and it was crosstalk . Always around the same time in a morning. Multi times in the day . Openreach swap my phone line wire in the multi core cable runing back to the cabinet for a different pair of wire .
Jaytech is correct by saying you need to talk to vodafone about this issue .
11-09-2022 10:19 PM
This thread is over 2 years old. Why not start your own, and we could then talk you through some possibilities.
29-08-2020 10:06 PM
Same as a number of other peoples complaints broadband disconnections several times a day usually around 1300 hrs also as this evening 29-09-2020 at 2120 hrs of for 12 minutes, also other times as well this is a daily occurance, I've now got fed up of these disconections, so will be leaving Vodaphone later this month when my contract expires. Downloads speeds are usually very good, but these constant drop outs have become very irritating, so it will be goobye later this month.
29-08-2020 11:25 PM
Same as most people complaints ,internet keep dropping out since i switched from BT 4 months ago from day 1 ,it drops out several times a day and on every devices ,it cannot be the line as nothing has been done to it to make the switch ,the only possible culprit is the router ,anyone had any reply from Vodafone on what is the possible solution for this too common Vodafone router problem ?
30-08-2020 09:27 AM
I doubt that it's a router problem, I have had 3 different modem/routers over the past 18 months and it happens on all three. At the mmoment I'm using a Netgear Nighthhawk router and lose the connection several times a day
30-08-2020 11:17 AM
Hi all,
I've been having this issue for over a year now, but it's worse than ever. I've had 4 Openreach engineers out, I've had a new socket, new line from the pole to the house, new router, the box has been checked, connections on the pole replaced and it's still doing it ! Almost impossible to stream TV or video call as it's always going off. I also had less than promised speeds for nearly a month and never received a discount. I opened a chat with Vodafone on twitter and the last reply from them was last Tuesday. They just ask the same questions, can you take a picture of the socket blah blah. Useless