19-11-2021 09:37 AM
Normally a PC or Mac gets its time from an Internet service but if it can't uses the internal clock and coasts until it can get it. Basically if the time server is off its not noticed.
For the past days I've been struggling with a new distribution of an operation system on a little computer the does not have its own battery supported clock. Result: the system time was wrong and it would not progress to update itself simply complaining the time wasn't synced.
Everything started to work just after midnight last night, 18/19 November. Something changed and it all started working.
19-11-2021 09:53 AM
.@scwalkl Move away from the VF timeserver and use one from the UK pool
19-11-2021 10:03 PM
Yep. Once I'd worked out what it must be I uncommented the built in Plan-B and it worked.
Just a bit hacked off that I might have not spent far too much time ##~## around on something that shouldn't happen. Was just asking here as a sanity check. The symptoms point to my Vodafone service.
Just find the whole Vodafone experience a bit anonymous.
19-11-2021 10:06 PM
Seems the net nanny won't allow "RICHARD-ING" around (above).
20-11-2021 12:01 AM
If this is a linux based system that you are using then setting the time-zone - even to the same as it's current setting - will normally correct things. It may seem like an oddity, but it often works!