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Kindle connection

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Hi, I have recently changed over to Vodafone having previously been with Sky. The internet speed with substantially quicker than Sky and I am happy with the service to now. However, my Kindle will only pick up the WiFi router if the Kindle is within a 1 metre of the router. All other devices have connected perfectly but my Kindle will not hold the WiFi signal. As first, I thought it may be because the Kindle was a few years old, however my son also as two Vodafone accounts (one for home and one for office) and the Kindle connects perfectly to both of those all over his house.


The internet upload/download speed is fine and I have tried to speak to customer services however they said it's my Kindle - however after connecting to two separate Vodaphone Accounts then I know it's not my Kindle.


Any help or thoughts ?


Many thanks


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

.@MrGreen71 Have you tried changing the WiFi channel number? I have two different Kindle devices and I have never experienced this problem, so please excuse what is a simple question if you have already tried this.

Hello, thank you for the reply.

Unfortunately I haven't tried changing the Wifi channels but I must admit, I wouldn't have a clue how to do this. Could you give me a pointer ?


Many thanks  

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Unfortunately, Vodafone have removed that option from their routers. It is possible to use an old version of the Android app to do it, but for someone nontechnical I would not suggest it.

The only suggestion I have is that (AFAIK) Kindles only use the 2.4Ghz band, whereas most modern devices can use the 5Ghz too, so maybe your router has a weak signal on 2.4Ghz or there is interference which is blocking that band.




16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

If you have an Android device you could try the app in the following link, I use this one myself. You may be able to tell if the signal is poor or swamped by a neighbouring WiFi. I am sorry I do not have a suggestion for Apple devices.