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Sporadic high latency spikes

12: Established
12: Established

For the past couple of weeks I have been having short periods of high latency. It can be a couple of minutes or if I am not at the PC to reboot the router, it can be 10 to 15 minutes. During the latency spikes I can't even open a website.

A reboot of the router usually sorts it.

This feels like a stupid question but I'll ask it anyway.. If a reboot is the fix, was the issue with my connection or with my router?


I do have another router that I will connect up this afternoon. 


Just a quick and hopefully final update.

There have been no issues with the connection for the last 3 days. No large spikes in latency.

View solution in original position


@Ripshod wrote:

On the asus go into Administration>Privacy and withdraw your consent. This will disable any Trend Micro apps running on your router and test a while with the BQM.

Do you run any Merlin/Entware add ons? You can disable these by disabling scripts on the jffs and Reboot. They'll still be there but not loaded, it's just a case of enabling jffs again.

Which asus is it. There a some reports of these type of issues on snbforums related to the latest firmwares, sometimes down to the settings. 

Thanks, I'll look at that now. I have Merlin on it.  Its an RT-AC86U

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Yep, the ac86u is one of the main offenders. The main problem going by the numbers is wifi dropouts, and a lot of those come down to bad configurations. There are some known bugs in the firmware that we're aware of.

Run the BQM on it and note any Latency spikes you experience, then go back to the BQM later to see if there's any corresponding spikes on there.

I think we may end up doing a reset though depending on how many settings you've personalised.

Run the BQM and see what you can see

I have had it for a while and the issue is recent. Nothing has changed in the settings. 

I'll take the dogs out and check it in an hour or so.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I'll just tag @CrimsonLiar as they have much more experience than me.

Would also be good for you to read through the asus section on snbforums just to see if anything jumps out at you. 

If this has started recently with no input from yourself it's going to come down to a factory reset and minimal setup. 

@Ripshod wrote:


If this has started recently with no input from yourself it's going to come down to a factory reset and minimal setup. 

Yes, this is where I was headed next.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Before resetting try this. Find out what channels 2.4 and 5gGhz are using then manually set them to those channels. I don't normally advise this but on a case by case basis

I use a wifi analyser app to make sure I am not on the same channels as neighbours. Wifi has always been good with this router.

I did do a factory reset and also went back the the stock firmware. I left wifi off, switched of dual wan and also didn't plug in the phone adapter ( that was by mistake. I just forgot to plug it back in).


The connection was pretty good. Not as clean as with the VF router  but no large spikes. Over the last couple of hours I have switched back on wifi and turned on the dual wan. So far the connection is still looking good. I have also been working online and have had youtube videos playing for background noise. 

I will probably put Merlin back on if things stay this way.

Well, so far so good. Everything is now connected and I have put the Merlin firmware back on the router. The BQM looks great. 

Let's see how long it lasts 🙂

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

If it's the WiFi that's dropping out the BQM won't show it. 

Keep us updated 😉

@Ripshod wrote:

Keep us updated 😉

Thanks for the help