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ping spikes all day resulting in lag in online games ( vodafone please there are multiple reports)

4: Newbie

just another example of the huge spikes in latency/ping which also transfer over the same behaviour in online games resulting in lag and well just a horrible experience, posting this as other Vodafone broadband customers have and because i have a wonderful 3 months with Vodafone when they were doing things right then bam out of the a continuous 4months of ping spikes and drop outs and all sorts of issues which have not been remedied a new Vodafone vox3 router or  engineer visits well yeah its obvious Vodafone has changed something in their networking which started all of this as the 3months was so stable and ping wasn't spiking then i don't know a router firmware update ? or they just changed something on their end either way its unacceptable and i have called more times than i would like I'm just posting this in the hopes someone at Vodafone sees it and maybe acknowledges this horrible latency issue they have and maybe backtrack whatever was implemented or changed that made their services so all over the place 




4: Newbie



4: Newbie


there ping tests take like 1 second a run and each one has a huge spike so imagine your gaming online well every single second your ping is having a huge spike end result well unplayable experience and ofcourse stream just crashing due to spikes i cant stop posting because i need a solution and vodafone needs to understand this isn't worth paying for, i purely game and stream for a 9-5 thats why im posting and contacting them continuously 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Set up a thinkbroadband BQM and run it for 24hrs.

Also a traceroute to would be useful too. 

No need to get wound-up, that's only affecting yourself and won't help you solve this. 

yeah i know your right but just months and not to play the blame game but alot of money lost due to missed opportunity's due to not being able to play, but ive had a bqm on for a few days just dont seems to show the extent of what we are experiencing here on a daily basis but i dont really know what im looking at i will share it non the less

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

If we get to the bottom of this we can help vodafone sort this. 

I suspect your service is on some far-flung gateway, hence the request for the traceroute.

Static or dynamic IP? 

recently static but same experience when i was on dynamic apart from when i got lucky and the router would update its ip and give me a golden bin address which fixed all the ping spikes until of course it updated again i did take a picture of the golden ip when i had it i requested it as a static but it seems they gave me something else but I've done 3 traces to bbc just to be safe 



4: Newbie

3 more as the hops changed again i dont know why or if they are meant to but maybe you would understand i just noticed different hops both images done since your reply many thanks 




i decided to do a tracert at 7am to see the difference at the lucky hour when my connection has no spikes when i play games and look at the difference when its working this is most definitely a ip routing/hops issue that changes during the day even i can see that and im not a internet tech 


bottom right of bqm at 7am is when i played games smoothly with 0 connection issues and also did the tracert to just wanted to share my findings 



and now im back to lagging in game and get the following results 




and the bqm showing huge spikes on the bottom right at 9am which was 20minutes ago (bottom right of the bqm graph ) and now 10 hops to reach bbc at that time with hop dropping packets or whatever or not reachable during this time when at 7am when i had 0 spikes on bqm i did the trace rt and managed to reach bbc with 6 hops with show 4ms across the board where as now im lagging and this hop is showing *ms and i have 4 more hops , ( just documenting as im emailing these posts to Vodafone's team)