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UltraHub II started losing internet connection and changing IP address

10: Established
10: Established

It was probably too good to last, had a month and a half of great internet quality, last couple of days I notice the hub loses internet

Who knows what Voda are doing to their network?

The hub itself is working it seems like a network IPv4 address is changing and PPPoE is failing





24.07.2024 22:22:20 data Info exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
24.07.2024 22:22:20 firewall Debug [6319] firewall_update(1)
24.07.2024 22:22:20 wan Info Adding intercept reason: "wan_down"
24.07.2024 22:22:20 wan Notice Reloading firewall due to ifup of wan (pppoe-wan)
24.07.2024 22:22:19 firewall Warning DROP wan in: IN=pppoe-wan OUT= MAC= src= DST= LEN=107 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=58 ID=38879 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=5222 DPT=38334 WINDOW=297 RES=0x00 ACK PSH URGP=0 MARK=0x8000000
24.07.2024 22:22:19 system Notice Device:
24.07.2024 22:22:19 firewall Warning DROP wan in: IN=pppoe-wan OUT= MAC= src= DST= LEN=90 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=125 ID=51524 PROTO=TCP SPT=443 DPT=45042 WINDOW=278 RES=0x00 ACK PSH URGP=0 MARK=0x8000000
24.07.2024 22:22:18 wan Notice Interface 'wan6' is setting up now
24.07.2024 22:22:18 wan Notice Interface 'wan6' is enabled
24.07.2024 22:22:18 wan Notice Interface 'wan6' is disabled

'' is involved!

PerformMqttClientConnect: Failed to connect v3.1.1 with Network is unreachable


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@billhinge I can't see a IPv4 change happening, but there are two inbound IPv4 packets that the firewall blocked (DROP). MQTT (MQ Telemetry Protocol) is complaining about the network connection. It'd be interesting to see what fired the SIGTERM (e.g. kill -15)

The picture hasn't been moderated yet.

You can see in the first pic when ready. To me it looks like an automated firewall update

firewall Debug [6319] firewall_update(1),

trouble is their TR69 update seems to screw up the WAN connection, I get a red light and have to manually reboot to get connection back. (I have waited a reasonable time for it to resolve itself)

It has happened twice while I was using the internet, I can post more of the log if interested 


This is getting annoying now, Vodafone updates knocking my router over once a day and twice today. I have to manually reset via the reconnect button. 

I have to use the reconnect button every time it happens. Obviously the gracefulRestartPath isn't working properly

vodafone .2024 23:42:10 firewall Debug [6942] firewall_update(1)
27.07.2024 23:42:10 wan Info Adding intercept reason: "wan_down"
27.07.2024 23:42:10 system Warning 2024/07/27 23:42:10 [warn] 12215#0: *289 [lua] session.lua:103: changeUser(): changing user to vodafone
27.07.2024 23:42:09 system Notice Device:
27.07.2024 23:42:09 system Info network.interface event received iface=wwan action=ifdown
27.07.2024 23:42:09 wan Info ubus_network_event_handler : wan is UP

27.07.2024 23:42:35 wan Debug Send PPPOE Discovery V1T1 PADT session 0xc69 length 15
27.07.2024 23:42:35 wan Warning Read gracefulRestartPath = /etc/ppp/pppoesession_priotag_wan
27.07.2024 23:42:35 wan Info ubus_network_event_handler : IFNAME wan

4: Newbie

we have had this since installation, was with BT prior to this on the same fibre and the router could run for 6 months plus without a single disconection, now with Vodafone it reboots daily, it garbage, pointless speaking to support staff who just read from a script and dont really understand anything technical. Very Very disapointed in vodafone to be honest!!!

Yep, every day, different time. I'm going to get rid once I get a new wifi AP. Speed also dropped 30% from initial impressive value which I believe is used for upgrades/TR-069

4: Newbie

Just to let everyone know I gave up on the Ultra Hub mesh system and purchased DECO XE75 really simple to setup and works like a breeze, no drop outs funny enough!!

I have the Mercusys Halo mesh network and that works really well. 

The DECO and the Halo are actually based on the same chipset and developed in a similar part of TP-Link. Strangle enough I found references to DECO in the Mercusys Halo documentation which they had forgotten to change.

Have you replaced the Ultra Hub completely with the DECO?  What are you using to do the mobile data backup? 
