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Vodafone Wi-Fi hub / router (THG3000) issues

2: Seeker
2: Seeker


I'm having issues which seem to be related to the Vodafone Wi-Fi hub / router (THG3000) and wondered if anyone has experienced anything similar. I've been using VF fttc broadband since May and keep having issues which seem to be related to the router / hub.

Line speed seems excellent and is fairly constant @ 80Mbs down 14Mbs up but I have an issue with an unstable internet connection, every so often (worst case every 2 or 3 minutes) devices connected on wi-fi will show connected but no internet errors and wired connections come up with internet unavailable or unable to obtain IP address. If I try to get on to the router to see what’s going on I can't connect ( won't connect and the VF app tells me the router is off line) and even though the lights are white all of the buttons on the router are inactive (WIFI, WPS and even the reset button don't work) so the router appears to be hung but is managing to hold up the outbound connection and intermittently work for clients. Powering off/on the router brings everything back to normal for a few hours or even days but eventually we go back to the same state.

To me everything points at a router problem, the line was on test last week and showed no errors and the speed isn't being pegged back, unfortunately I can't get onto the router when there's a problem to see if there is anything in the router logs.

BUT I'm now on my fourth router, the first one lasted for a month before this issue came up, the next one worked for three months until the same issue occurred, number 3 lasted a month and its replacement (the current router) had an issue from day one. 

Is there an issue with these routers and I've been really unlucky to get 4 faulty ones or can anybody think of another problem? I'm pointed towards the router because I get the issue on wired and Wi-Fi connections (and two different Wi-Fi systems, I normally use a mesh to give whole house coverage and only turn on the Vodafone Wi-Fi for trouble shooting / elimination) and on the other side the line itself has been tested and is consistently 80Mbps. Plus in the past replacing the router has made the fault go away, at least in the short term.

Current work around is to turn the router off/on when I make my early morning cup of tea and it might last the day but that's not really a fix. I'm loathed to put my own router in to fix a Vodafone issue but if I do buy one does anybody have any recommendations?


Thanks in advance


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

What DHCP timeout is set, assuming that you haven't made the radio have a static IP?

13: Advanced Member


Good point. 
Radio uses DHCP and I actually use DHCP on pihole and I’m pretty sure it’s a 7 day lease time. DHCP on the router is turned off.

I am also sure at that time I cannot login to the router until it is rebooted. 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

.@Gerry_Atric Things like the TV are static and outside of the dhcp range of addresses. The dhcp lease is set at only 18 hours so everything gets a "stir". I can't say that I set that timeout with any reference to some guru or textbook, but I was having some odd problems when it was at the default of 1 day. I too am a Pihole user.

13: Advanced Member


It's great to meet another fellow pihole user here!

I was talking nonsense. The timeout was actually 24 hours and I've changed it to 18 hours to see if it makes any difference. Thanks for sharing your fix. 

It's still strange that the router refuses logins when this happens. I will investigate further the next time it happens.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

.@Gerry_Atric There are a number of holy Pis around the forum. Good luck with the dhcp setting.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Hmm, I've been running Pi-Hole since shortly after it released.  I now only have a couple of devices that need access to an SDNS service connected to the Pi_hole though, with everything else using "Diversion" on the Asus router!

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member


What is an SDNS service? I've not heard of that before.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

SDNS services are Smart DNS proxies.  So I can perform DNS lookups as if I were elsewhere in the world.  It's faster, more lightweight, and harder to detect than a VPN, but doesn't provide the protection of an end-to-end tunnel and can be falsely picked up as being a Man-In-The-Middle attack.

The service I use does provide me with a VPN - if I need it.  It only gets light use, but I've been using it for 7-8 years now!

*My GoogleTV with Chromecast refuses to use it , and swapping endpoints usually requires rebooting/flushing caches on any device using the SDNS.