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4: Newbie

hey all 

is there some magical invisible page on the new router that allows me to change the 2.4/5ghz channels ? the auto channel function just isnt working. 

and before anyone says look here and there and posts a link to the app. i have tried the app and im unable to even sync the app with my router.. 

is there a config editor that can open the backed up config so i can change it there and upload it back ? 


why has this function been removed from the firmware ? make 0 sense 


my internet is perfect until i try to use a 2.4ghz device then its hampered by my neighbors devices. theres a free channel i can see but unable to change to it






156 REPLIES 156

gotta love the way nobody from Vodafone has piped up to defend or refute the claims that they can remote in to our networks.. 

i have an openwrt router which i took out of commission a while ago.. i think its going to be coming back online 


FYI, all channel settings have disappeared again. Vodafone are a disgrace, I will swiftly be moving to another supplier after my term is over! Sort it out Vodafone, your service is crap and your customer service is a disgrace!


Can you see anything that might explain why the settings have gone away? New firmware, reboot, etc.?

Is there anything in the logs that suggests it may have contacted a config server somewhere?

Unexplained changes are making me more nervous.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Flying-Chips wrote:

FYI, all channel settings have disappeared again. Vodafone are a disgrace, I will swiftly be moving to another supplier after my term is over! Sort it out Vodafone, your service is crap and your customer service is a disgrace!

You seemed to be the only person for whom the settings reappeared. I wonder what happened for you to have had them for awhile?

Ehy is this thread marked as solved. Its no where near it 

because you marked this post as the solution I think: - can you unmark it?


If it helps anyone I solved my wifi signal problem by rotating my router so it pointed at the side of the house with weak signal (previously it was pointing at a wall for ease of access to the cables). It seems the Vodafone router is very directional compared to my old Virgin Media superhub.


However the channel select should definitely be exposed in router settings.

Hahaha did I..?? Itry to unmark



I compared my screenshot to what my router currently says and there is no difference. Looks like Vodafone are able to block certain aspects of the router centrally as nothing hardware or software wise has changed on my router.



That is bizarre and we really do need a Vodafone representative to confirm or refute the suggestion that they can make remote changes that affect the behaviour of our routers.


I now have a new wireless router in place.  It is currently acting as an AP with only the Vodafone router acting as a firewall.  I can now fix my 2.4GHz channel!


I've tested connecting the WAN ethernet port of my new router to a LAN port of the Vodafone router to achieve a double layer firewall and it works perfectly.  Once I am happy that my new router does not have any externally visible vulnerabilities then I will move it from AP to an inner layer router.


Then again, if Vodafone are unwilling to refute the potential of there being a backdoor in their router then I may just decommission the Vodafone router completely.

anything from Voda ? Or is it head in the sand time ?