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Xbox Series X wired connection issue

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Hi, hoping someone could help.


Since switching to Vodaphone I have been experiencing issues with my Xbox connecting to the the network via a wired connection. What I find is sometimes if I restart the Xbox enough, it pics up the wired connection.

What I have tried (on the Xbox):

Reset MAC - same issue

NAT Type set to open which is correct

Did a factory reset of the Xbox - same issueHowever when I connected the Xbox to the Wi-Fi - works fine

What I tried on the router;

Power cycle - same issue

Manually added DNS ( - same issue

Changed Ethernet cable - same issue

Other devices connected via a Ethernet cable work fine.


At the point I don’t believe this is a Xbox issue but an issue with the router or broadband. Is there something that maybe stopping/making the wired connection intermittent as I’m not sure what else to do.


As I said I had no issues when on Virgin using a wired Ethernet connection.




428 REPLIES 428

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

If you order pro you get the standard hub. If you order pro2 you'll get the 6E hub - speed doesn't change anything. 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Just to add, that as you intend using your own router, there would be no point in getting Pro at all.


Good to know - maybe when my contract ends in 18 months I will get a decent offer to upgrade to the new hub and I can finally stop using the TP Link switch. Ha.


I checked for firmware updates the other night and still nothing.

Well I joined Vodafone Full Fibre 900 a week ago and a few times now when I have switched on my Xbox Series X its like it does not pickup the Internet.  In Network settings it tells me NAT not available the gives me  Also get the following message "The following services are experiencing issues:"


NEVER had these issues when I was with Virgin Media.  


Been trying now for 30 mins to get signed in with no luck, worked last night without any issues and settings were not changed.  


UPDATE : Well went into Static NAT/DMZ and put in my Xbox IP into Local IPv4 Address, clicked Apply then rebooted my Xbox Series X, it then signed me into Xbox Live.


Update 2 : Well decided to turn off my Xbox, once shut down I pulled the plug left it for 30secs then powered back on and well cannot connect once again.  Jesus Wept




Its the router either by a cheap Ethernet switch and it then works or do as I have and bought my own router

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member


As you can see, the solution is in this thread. The choice is yours.

12: Established
12: Established

I hear your pain I know you shouldn't have too but a cheap switch between the two will 100% solve your problems as is well documented in this thread.



Thanks everyone, so I buy the TP-Link LS1005G 5-Port that @Jayach was kind enough to post a link too then connect LAN from Router to Switch then LAN to Xbox Series X and Nvidia Shield which a few times has came up No Ethernet also even though its connected to the internet.  


Does the switch power on instant when switched on or does it need to boot etc





16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

.@GMAN73 Did you go through this check?


Also, in the quick install guide all the illustations have port 1 on the switch going to the router, is that what you have done. I know with some older models from another manufacturer there was a specific uplink port.

@Cynric I’ve ordered the switch today cones on Monday , my post was a bit misleading as I noticed I’ve been getting No Ethernet when my nvidia shield has been connected to the router.  Hopefully the switch will cure all issues.