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Xbox Series X wired connection issue

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Hi, hoping someone could help.


Since switching to Vodaphone I have been experiencing issues with my Xbox connecting to the the network via a wired connection. What I find is sometimes if I restart the Xbox enough, it pics up the wired connection.

What I have tried (on the Xbox):

Reset MAC - same issue

NAT Type set to open which is correct

Did a factory reset of the Xbox - same issueHowever when I connected the Xbox to the Wi-Fi - works fine

What I tried on the router;

Power cycle - same issue

Manually added DNS ( - same issue

Changed Ethernet cable - same issue

Other devices connected via a Ethernet cable work fine.


At the point I don’t believe this is a Xbox issue but an issue with the router or broadband. Is there something that maybe stopping/making the wired connection intermittent as I’m not sure what else to do.


As I said I had no issues when on Virgin using a wired Ethernet connection.




428 REPLIES 428

Totally agree 👍🏻. Having same issue since I joined last July.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member


If the issue you have is the Xbox  not returning from energy save mode when using Ethernet, it's a known problem, and a "work around" is in this very thread.

It is to use a switch between the Xbox and the router.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

The issue with the network not returning after the console sleeps was supposed to have been finally fixed earlier this year.  But also in case people are still having problems you can now change a setting to have the console turn off properly/fully.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@CrimsonLiar wrote:

The issue with the network not returning after the console sleeps was supposed to have been finally fixed earlier this year.  

Was that a fix by Microsoft or Vodafone?

Na it doesn’t work on either setting. Sleep just makes it worse. You need a switch

Not been fixed on on router or on xbox. Switch is the only way round it I’m afraid

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

The fix was supposed to be in new firmware, but I am not surprised that it's not been fixed in reality.  It's also never been just a Vodafone issue, very much a bad design choice by Microsoft!

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@CrimsonLiar wrote:
It's also never been just a Vodafone issue, very much a bad design choice by Microsoft!

I've said that a few times in this thread, but the Xbox owners just won't believe it.

@DaveyGrohlton wrote:

What are you? Some white knight for Vodafone? Xbox has this issue on other devices - like which?


I’m sure it’s Vodafone staff at this point. Everyone you need a switch no matter what power your Xbox is on. So get a switch that the guy has linked. Vodafone haven’t got a clue

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@James35760  The VF router is made by a third party, VF just buy it in bulk. If it's a strange disagreement between the chipsets in the Xbox and router then there's nothing much that can be done at all. Until the OEM manufacturer makes a change the switch is the only solution unless you get an alternative router. As the impact to VF and/or the OEM is probably less than 1% of the user base I can't see either of them being motivated to do anything. There are plenty of other reasons that a user can find to use an alternative router so it's not as if it's just the Xbox issue that makes the VF router a poor choice for some.