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4: Newbie
Hi, I've had FTTP installed and using a Fritzbox 7530. Changed it to use modem and it's connected, the DL speeds are a 6th of what they should be. I am getting 83MB down and 57 up, package is 500 DL and 68 UL. Will it improve or is there a fault?

4: Newbie

Just to bore you guys a bit further.😀

Whilst doing my research who to move to, I upgraded to 900MB in the desperation that it might make a difference and nada, exactly same speeds as on the 500MB package, had to ring up to confirm.

Waiting for my phone line to move to A&A, than am out of here, got 14 days to do it in.

View solution in original position


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Madhatter Any QoS settings? Anything like a USB stick in the router USB socket?

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

It's not easy to do a speed test from the router, as users we can only speed test from a device on the router.

Some routers have a built in speed test, but the Vodafone one doesn't.

Therefore the best we can achieve is to test from an ethernet connected device.

4: Newbie

Nothing connected to the router than three LAN cables. On the replacement only changed DNS to cloud flares and admin and WiFi PW.

Issues today again with YT freezing, did a speed test and was 25MB, second went up to 80MB.

Disconnected all cables, disabled WIFI, chat with 2nd support on phone, two speed tests by tech and 215mb and 218MB, offered to send a booster out🤦

Made a cat6 cable and used that as they insisted it was cable, even though new cable from replacement router.

Speeds are below guarantee but no fault.

I should have jumped ship in the 14 days☹️☹️

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Madhatter wrote:
Speeds are below guarantee but no fault.

If you are saying that Vodafone support have agreed your broadband speed is below the minimum guaranteed when you joined, they should give you the option to leave without penalty.

Other than a single speed test support carried out their end, all others have been below the minimum speed guarantee and out of the half dozen or so they carried out, 4/5 were with nothing connected to the router at my end - Lan cables pulled out, wifi switched off.

They are blaming it on my network even though I asked several times how that is possible with nothing connected my end. Luckily I had the chat transcripts emailed to me so no way they can wiggle out of it. I also videoed the tests with router shown as well with everything pulled out, sad state of things to do to get something rectified.

The other reason they putting it down to a cable - one of the LAN ports connected at 100MMB, again, again wont advise who this could impact speeds of their test especially when it was pulled out🤔

I would happily leave if I could get the 470 to 80 that I occasionally got and not the 20 to 215 I do get.

Hi there @Madhatter - thanks for the information. We're sorry you're experiencing issues with your speeds at the moment. I appreciate you have already contacted the broadband team about this, but we would advise reaching out to them again to see what they can do to improve your speeds. If we can't resolve the issue after 30 days of a slow speed ticket raised, you do have the right to cancel your contract or alternatively downgrade to a more suitable package without any early termination fees. 

You can contact them via phone on 0333 304 0191 or via webchat 24/7. 


I have contacted them several times and their solution is to send out a Booster which won't resolve the slow speed issues in my view as they ran the test from their end and gave me the speed results best was 220MBS, virtually all of the tests were with no LAN cables connected to the router from my devices and WIFI turned off on the router. They also can't explain how the low speeds with nothing connected, will improve with the booster.

@Madhatter - Thanks for explaining. It may be worth taking up their offer on the Booster and seeing how that goes. If you still have no luck with that, we'd advise getting back in touch so that we can ensure things are sorted for you. As advised, if the issue does persist for over 30 days at this point, and you are below the minimum guarantee, you will be able to leave free of charge.

@Ami  I amy be being utterly thick here and wont be the first time.

The booster from what they told me is to improve the WIFI speed, my issue is the line speed, which was tested by the VF tech at their end with nothing connected to the router (Wifi or Lan connections), I can't see how a booster will help with the line speed? If they can tell me how, which they wouldn't number of times I asked, will happily accept the offer, otherwise its just an unnecessary piece of kit that I dont need and will only end up in landfill down the road.

The strength of the wifi is good enough for me and dont  need a booster.

Thanks for your response @Madhatter. A booster may help increase your speeds and would definitely be worth trying. If you don't find it helpful, it can be sent back to us or recycled, so won't be a waste. The technical team will be able to identify the next steps to take from there if the speed is below the minimum speed guarantee.