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2: Seeker
2: Seeker


Trying to get my issue across to a bigger audience or possibly a tech team member because Vodaphone support sadly wont listen to me after 3 attempts.

Ever since my broadband was installed I've head great speeds/service. 9 PING, 900 down / 900 up.

For the past 2 weeks (im leeds based) the second it hits around 8pm my ping hits 160 and my download speeds get smashed to about 80/90 MB. I have no idea why this has just started to happen, but after 3 firmware upgrades, 2 new cables and 2 routers... the problem is still persistent.

9 ping, 900 down, 900 up - all day every day. 8PM, bang... service runs into the ground until 11/11:30.

Here's a tracing route to BBC and also photos taken just a few hours apart.

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms vodafone.broadband []
2 132 ms 137 ms 127 ms
3 * 165 ms 194 ms
4 * * * Request timed out.
5 177 ms 155 ms 116 ms



No mate :Sad_face:

2: Seeker
2: Seeker




3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Just another concerned citizen here to report we have the EXACT Same issue.

Vodafone have given me the run around, day 1, tons of troubleshooting, day 2, more troubleshooting and claims they're software updating the router etc, day 3 more, each of these calls an hour + in time and absolutely useless

Now, they claimed okay, we'll send a cityfibre engineer "tomorrow" , got ready, got up early, No engineer, but a call, adamantly claiming from vodafone that cityfibre said they FIXED the issue (I asked for more details, they had none, no info on the issue etc.)

They had not.

The net is still the same. 160 - 200 ping on every speedtest, at BEST 400mbps download, at worst 10, same low upload speed, the ping is the worst part, as online gaming is impossible.

They're consistently trying to make excuses to say the internet is fixed, when in reality they have done absolutely nothing.

I'm on the phone to them now to escalate this as high as possible, with all the evidence at my disposal.

Hopefully this gets fixed, as cityfibre and vodafone have been absolute let downs.


3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Today they've escalated this issue to a Parent case, including all other tickets complaining regarding it

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Spent an hour or so on the webchat with Vodaphone today regarding the issue. 

After multiple tests and showing them the proof of myown and on this forum thread they ended it with telling me I'll havr to contact City Fibre as the problem is caused by the BNG server in our area.

Attached were the final parts of the transcript of the webchat which I have censored my name and the support reps name since to be fair he was a nice guy about the whole situation.

Whats annoying is it seems like CityFibres support team stop working at 5pm. So any proof to show them the issue will have to be from previous days since the connection issues won't start until an hour after they finish work.



Image to be moderated so I can't see, but what on earth is a BNG server.. Vodafone told me they were investigating fully this issue


I've had the service a week and they've told me this every day. Just setting expectations....

Yeah sounded different. They've sent all tickets to one parent ticket and sent it to the back office, the issue is being "investigated".

They obviously talk a lot of rubbish though


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Fuji, and the penny drops. 

That's new though and might do something, fingers crossed.

I've a good one for you though - they wanted to send me a new ethernet cable to connect the router and the ONT because that could be causing the issues. I told them cables don't have clocks or watches, they don't know to stop working at 7pm and then start again at 11pm 😂

So frustrating that no one actually listens to the facts.