15-11-2022 04:48 PM
We've had our Pro Full Fibre 900 connected since 4/11. Took nearly 3 days to get connected while we excitedly expected internet speed far beyond our previous fibre to the cabinet connection. 900 Mbps! Guaranteed 455 Mbps! No.
Not even close.
On average, 200-250 download. Sometimes not even that. At 3 in the morning - not exactly peak usage time - we may get up to the 300s. Upload on the other hand can be twice the download speed but what's these use of that? My husband works from home - not enough bandwidth for a video call yesterday. And that's not the only time that's happened. Line drops out several times a day. Tweeted Vodafone with a screen shot of our speeds. Got asked what the speed was with cable connection. Really? Are you kidding me? The whole point of using WiFi is so you don't have calls everywhere!
I'd ring Vodafone but the thought of being on hold and listening to that dreadful music again is beyond me - spent over 3 hours on hold over the weeks before the internet actually connected thanks to the farce of City Fibre not turning up and then Vodafone taking 3 days to provision our line.
Someone please tell me that this ridiculous internet speed can be improved and we can get what we're actually paying for!
27-02-2023 09:49 AM
@NoraDean See
WiFi 5 up to 6,933 Mbps
WiFi 6/6e up to 9,608 Mbps
Both of the above have the ability to exceed 900Mbps. It all depends on the hardware and how thick the walls in the property are, not forgetting other forms of radio frequency interference.