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Landline not receiving calls from landlines

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

My Vodafone broadband with Digital Voice landline was activated on 4th March. Our broadband is fine. On the landline outgoing calls are always ok, but incoming calls from someone on a landline never get through. Incoming calls from mobiles sometimes get through. For 3 weeks I've been messed around daily by Vodafone, with long calls and website posts that get nowhere. It has to be a porting issue and I think they've finally accepted that, but still can't fix it. Anyone else experienced this? I'm thinking of ditching Vodafone.


Thanks Jayach. No all I tried was the hardware reset on the router (as requested by Vodafone at one point). I'm reluctant to do it via firmware at the moment as VF are supposedly still working on it. We know they're doing something as the situation's actually got worse in the last 24 hours!

Hi Awams01. Wondering how you are getting on with this.  I have exactly the same problem with my Ultra Hub, ongoing for a week now. Numerous router resets both by me and also them and then saturday shows factory reset whilst I wasnt about. All to no avail I have found that using my old THG3000 router will allow incoming calls. Now, VF are going to supply me with a replacement Euro 6 (Ultra Hub)  router 24/48 hours time. We will see if that fixes it. I'l let you know.

Hi Dylan, well it's sort of resolved. After a month VF did get the digital landline working for outgoing and (we think) all incoming calls, but they did insist on changing our landline phone number. We were pretty angry about this as they'd assured us from the start that we could keep our old number, now they're insisting we can't. I've raised a separate post about the number change issue but I don't think we're going to get anywhere. I don't know how important that aspect would be for you. It did take daily phone calls and ticket updates for the whole month to make any progress and VF's service was abysmal. After about 3 weeks they did escalate things within 2nd line support which did seem to help. Our router is the VF Vox 3.0 router - not sure how this compares with the one they're sending you. Good luck!

I think we are on to something! The landline phones I use are (i) a PABX system (with a surge protector in line) and (ii) a BT Relate 1100  (via a Ring Adapter) - the PABX system is mains powered so the BT unit sits as a backup. If either of these units is plugged in then there are no incoming landline calls getting through. I  unplugged the PABX unit and connected a cheap and tatty Eurotel  unit and - I get incoming calls!!! Feed the PABX direct (not via the surge protector) and I get incoming calls! Plug both the PABX and the tatty phone in and low and behjold incoming calls|! Soooo - looks to me as if the Euro 6 router will only work with certain landline phones. I guess its something to do with the REN - but the BT1100 has a REN of 1! Investigation will continue.

4: Newbie

Thanks for the swift reply. I agree that the support hasnt been of the level expected - yep, abysmal isnt far wrong. I've had no problem with outgoing calls, but its taken me from 2 Jan thru to 1st April to realise no one was calling me on my l;andline. I can understand that supplying you with a new number would be an issue. I hope I dont end up going down that route. And yep, the daily calls with 2nd line support (but repeating everything from the day before) - I think what has confused them was me being able to take incoming calls if I used my old router. Anyway, a new router is on its way and we will see what happens. Thanks again.

4: Newbie

Replacement router received and installed - no change in situation seen. Outgoing land line calls OK - Incoming disconnect after 1 second (before the phone has a chance to ring). Voice Traffic Service people involved and fault rectification continues. Currently all landline phone services disconnected. Intrnet fully operational.

Hi @DylanLabrador  and @Awams01 - I can understand how important it is, to be aware of people that are trying to call you on your landlines. Due to how many times you've had to contact us to get this resolved, please message us on Social Media. When you do this, please ask us to escalate the issue for you. 

I am posting this on the forum so that other people will know they are not alone if they see this issue. Its a ridiculous problem that I now realise  Vodafone know about yet are poor at getting sorted. I will work with Vodafone to help them find a solution but will also keep forum members advised of ongoing situation.

Hi Gemma, thanks for getting involved. In my case Vodafone did finally fix the issue, thought it did take 5 weeks. Also they only achieved this by changing our landline phone number. This was something we really didn't want but after some discussion we've accepted it has to be this way.