04-06-2021 10:36 AM
When I renewed my contract in April, I asked for my off-peak calls to be removed from my new contract as I had no need for it. This was agreed and, in my subsequent text message confirming my new contract it was shown as being removed.
My problem is that I am still paying for the off-peak calls, at £4 a month, when I specifically asked for it to be removed.
Is there any way this can be removed from my contract and my bills reduced accordingly?
Many thanks
04-06-2021 02:35 PM
Hi @neillackroyd! We're unable to access accounts over the forum, however, if you pop our Social Media team a message with a link to this thread, they'll be able to enter your account and remove any incorrect charges for you 🙂
08-06-2021 08:01 PM
Thanks for your reply, Beth. I'll give that a try.
08-06-2021 08:31 PM
Sorted now. Thanks for the pointer, Beth. Have to stay I wasn't impressed with TOBI, but the human I dealt with was very efficient.
09-06-2021 09:29 AM
Hey @neillackroyd, we're glad that the query is now sorted and thank you for your feedback about our TOBi 🙂