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Simple guide to connecting a phone to FTTP please

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I'm a new customer of Vodafone fibre (FTTP) and have a Wifi Hub. During the upgrade I asked to retain my old landline phone number.

I'm struggling to understand what phones can be plugged into the Wifi Hub. I note there are ports on the back of the Hub marked TEL1 and TEL2. I have purchased a converter to plug into the TEL1 port that then allows me to plug an "old" UK type phone into the converter. I've tried various (old) phones but none can get a dial tone.

Does the phone being plugged in have to be a VOIP phone? Or does the Wifi Hub handle the necessary conversion from non VOIP phone to the Vodafone network? i.e. does the Wifi Hub include a VOIP adaptor?

As I've never had the phone working since my FTTP upgrade I'm not certain that the phone line setup was done correctly so might be be being confused by a non working line. Is there a way I can check this without having a phone that has a dial tone?

Thanks for any assistance - currently pretty confused!





16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Sounds like there were two lines to the house from BT.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Cynric wrote:

Sounds like there were two lines to the house from BT.

It does indeed, but unless they had different phone numbers it was probably because Openreach forgot to disconnect the PSTN connection.

On the BT system one phone was plugged into the back of the router the other WPS connected (digital phone).

i understand that the digital phone will not work, but according to my subsequent  conversation with vodafone another plugged in phone should work independently of the first plugged in phone.

i also did an AI query on the router which returned that  two independent phones plugged in the two tel ports on this router should work independently on the same fast fibre link. 

it should work, its just that  i have not found the right technical person in vodafone to help me to get it to work, even though the sales person said it would.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

The router is made for Vodafone by TechniColor. The same electronics may well be found in other products where the Tel ports behave differently.


I would not trust the AI answer because it relies on published materials and both Vodafone and TechniColor are not particularly forthcoming with information.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

You will never get two phones working independently. (if by that you mean you can have two different calls in progress at once) on the Vodafone router,

You haven't said how it worked on BT, did you have 2 separate phone numbers?

AI's are well known for lying, Hallucination (artificial intelligence) - Wikipedia

(As are sales staff, lol)


with BT i had one phone number that both phones support independently

I hear what you so about AI, just clutching at straws, though the web seems to support the idea.

i get a dial tone through both tel 1 and tel 2. however when one phone is in use the dial tone on the other phone is intermittent and can't be used for anything.

when a call comes in both phones ring and either can take the call. Its appears so close like a software switch that needs turning on.

i just can't see why there is tel1 and tel2 , there must be a purpose.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@StanleyM wrote:

i get a dial tone through both tel 1 and tel 2. however when one phone is in use the dial tone on the other phone is intermittent and can't be used for anything.

when a call comes in both phones ring and either can take the call. Its appears so close like a software switch that needs turning on.


I'm sure you're right, I just don't think it's an option Vodafone choose to use in the software. (Like all the other features that should be available on a VoIP service, but aren't)

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@StanleyM wrote:

On the BT system one phone was plugged into the back of the router the other WPS connected (digital phone).


Do you mean it was a VoIP phone? Did it have it's own VoIP service?

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Looking at the circuit board, the two socket are discretely connected, so yes, with the right configuration they could be addressed separately.

Doesn't mean Vodafone will do any such thing.

Were do you see web management interface ( shows connections to the phone from the "Overview" tab.

because on my dashboard i found a number similar but not the same if you know what I mean