25-09-2024 09:26 PM
I recently took out the max internet contract with Giga-cube but the speeds are very slow my phone next to the router gets 180 down but the giga-cube struggles to get 50 down..... can anyone please help?
26-09-2024 09:14 AM
06-11-2024 08:51 PM
Hi Tal,
Thank you for your reply and sorry for my late reply! The speed doesn't seem to be the issue now 😊 however the issue now is that when connected to the giga cube with my laptop and it says the internet is all working and my phone connecting to the giga cube is working tge laptop wont load anything.
I have this issue with multiple devices around my home. Most of the time resetting the cube helps but tgis isnt something that i should have to do. Can you help with that?
06-01-2025 04:51 PM
For future reference... I have experienced similar issues. It was suggested to me that throughout its lifetime the router will automatically get software updates downloaded and installed. I was told to do a number of things by tech support and collectively it did fix my issue.
I was reluctant to do the factory reset of all the extra network features I use but after exhausting all other options I did perform all the steps above.
One of them worked. I think the idea was to make the router forget the current relationship between the 5G cell and the router. Now when I experience similar issues perhaps every 9 months I bite the bullet and do it straight away.