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Company website blocked by Vodafone Rete Sicura (Italy)

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Dear good morning

 I'm sorry if I'm writting in a UK forum but it's almost impossible to reach Vodafone Italy support if you're not a customer, moreover I found other thread reagarding this specific topic and moderators where able to forward the request to Italian Network team, so I hope you can help me.

The issue is quite simple: our company website is blocked by Vodafone Rete Sicura service especially if the service is configured with the maximum level of protection. I checked the domain in various tools like  our websited and the entire domain ( dosen't apper in any blacklist (I check it regurlally).

We produce and sell IoT devices and website is used by customers for the remote managment of it, this block is causing many issues and business concern.

Dear community can you please help me in unlock this bad situation or at least can you please help me found any Itaian contact that can handle this?

Thank you in advance and regards



Hi @urm-gb thank you for raising these concerns. Could you please provide a screenshot of the error experienced? 

Hello Lucy

 and thank you for your prompt reply. Let me also add one more info: I noted that our website is been "proxied" by Rete Sicura and the certificate exposed by the service is different form the one actually installed on the servers (our certificate is issued by Digicert while the one used by Rete Sicura is from an "allot" device)
Anyway here you'll find the screenshots


Again thank you for your support

Thank you @urm-gb for sharing these with us. I've escalated to our team now, and soon as we have an update we'll let you know here via this post. 

Thank you very much Lucy really really appreciate

You're more than welcome @urm-gb . We've had a response from the team. They've advised a review request has been raised, and the site may now be accessible. Can you please clear the cache and cookies on your VF-IT connection and test the access? If issues persist after 24 hours please get back to us and we'll again follow up with the team. 

Thank you again Lucy, I'll reach one of the customer that raised the issue and ask for a test. I'll let you know as soon as I've some news

Thank you and regards

Hello @Lucy_F our customer told me the issue is solved now and he can reach the website again, thank you very much for your help.
A side question: is there any good practices you - or the itaian team - can suggest us in order not to be blacked list again?

Thank you again and regards