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How do I turn off 5GHz wifi on Vodafone hub

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I am in Expert mode. Wifi setup page., Main Wifi, Frequency 2.4.5HHz showing. I change to 2.4GHz only and hit the Apply button. I get a message saying changes have not been saved. At the top of the page a message states I should be in Expert Mode. The pull down menu top right reads Expert Mode.


Hello I've managed to solve this problem. If you go to the wifi settings tab and change the 5GHZ band width to 20 MHZ it lets me connect lights. Change back after they are all connected.


Thank you for this, I can confirm this worked for other smart devices as well!

You Sir are a genius, thanks

Hi can please share how you did it, Thanks! 

Hi all. I see like me everyone is struggling because their router is forcing you to use 5ghz and so you can't set up your devices. I had exactly the same problem and resolved it by shear accident. I laid my router on its side and suddenly everything started connecting, my lights, my CCTV the lot. So give it a try. Knock the damn thing on its side.