01-10-2020 01:15 PM
When will Vodafone come out of the dark ages and finally implement SMS over wifi calling?
Given Wifi Calling spec (voWIFI/GAN/UMA) incorporates SMS (and MMS) support, why is Vodafone's implementation limited to voice calls only - did they buy cheap kit off the back of a lorry perhaps?
04-01-2021 01:03 PM
It's definitely working over wifi calling for me. I have no mobile signal whatsoever in my house.
20-11-2020 07:01 AM
Why did Vodafone end Sure Signals knowing they did not have a solution to SMS over WiFi calling?. Another utter disgrace. I am a small business user who now has to work mainly from home. We have never had a cell signal in the 10 years I have lived here. We have over 10 lines, off to EE it is. I was only with Vodafone because of the Sure Signals.
02-12-2020 04:25 PM
Same here, sure signal died, live in a small group of 4 houses in a 'signal shadow' - fine the other side of the road so no chance our signal will improve. Marginal phone signal, so without SMS over wi fi calling we are lost as we can't log in to anything meaningful - that includes the Vodafone account which needs 2 step verification.
IF there was a clear message - something like "yes next Feb" or "No, never" we could make an informed decision. Without that, 3 contracts will go to someone else.
It's been 'coming soon' for 2 years or more. I've stopped consulting the calendar and started looking at actuarial tables and my life expectancy ......
So - any news?
03-12-2020 08:02 AM
Hi.. i want to add my plea to Vodafone to get this sorted. I used to use Sure Signal where sms worked fine but no longer available. I am now likely to work mainly from home for the rest of my career so dont know what to do as sms part of business. I can't make current and prospective clients use other systems nor can i magic up mobile coverage. Wifi is my lifeline
03-12-2020 08:05 AM
HI, I have just ported over to EE and it works great. SMS on Wifi Calling. I have also noticed the coverage is more stable and I haven't had nay dropped calls when out on the road. I have set up an EE business account and their customer service seems to be a lot more efficient. I would strongly recommend a swap.
Hope this helps.
03-12-2020 11:46 AM
Thanks for this. user 111.
Does EE wifi calling work with non-EE sourced phones? I'm on sim only with Vodafone so if I port to EE I would like to be able to use existing phones. I remember Vodafone saying that wifi calling would only work with phones bought from them although I believe that is changing for some models.
(Vodafone, if you are listening, been with you for well over 10 years, closer to 15. The smart signal/no sms on wifi calling with no end in sight is an object lesson in how to lose otherwise happy customers)
03-12-2020 11:51 AM
Hi, yes, we had sim only with Vodafone as well so our phones are not locked to a network. We purchase our phones direct from Apple. As long as the handset is not locked to a network it will work. You can request the handset to be unlocked from a network as well. Hope that helps
08-12-2020 04:23 PM
When you stopped supporting Sure signal your advisor told me it would be weeks that was at the start of lockdown. They lie to get you off the phone. Well I own three UK companies and one has been with Vodafone for 23 years ish and I can’t wait to cancel all the accounts in March 2021and move to a more progressive company.
08-12-2020 07:44 PM
What does it take for Vodafone actually to read these community messages and reply with a promise or two? Their worst quality is TOTAL SILENCE or lies about setting up Wi-Fi SMS. I would not care a damn if at least they were honest about it. For such a massive worldwide company to behave so badly is beyond belief. Come on Vodafone. Somebody must at least say 'Not bothered' or 'In March' or 'We don't care about our poor signal areas' OR 'We are moving to 5G so why should we support Sure Signal customers'. A Merry Christmas to all my readers. Andy Fraser has repaired my Sure Signal device so I can get 2FA three or four times a day. But I worry about all those devices about to fail because of poor sub-standard capacitors and nothing offered by Vodafone as a glimmer of hope. Eh? Listening Vodafone?
09-12-2020 03:53 PM
@luffviolin Unfortunately we'd be unable to make any such promises as we're not privy to technical project updates or timeframes. We're aware that we're working on sending SMS over Wi-Fi Calling options, however, we'd be unable to provide a time scale for completion of this. I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused, thank you for your continued patience.