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Old debt reappearing as new debt on my credit file

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I had an old debt with Vodafone which defaulted in January 2018. It was removed from my file January this year. My score had increased quite a bit as a result.

I received a notification from Experian this morning that my score has dropped due to a missed payment. When I checked, it was showing my old debt with Vodafone as 6 months late payment.

I've contacted Experian to dispute it but surely this can't be allowed if 6 years had passed and it was removed? Can they re-add an old debt as new?

I've used checkmyfile too and I have no CCJ's

This hasn't happened with any other default I've had that's dropped off.



Hi @shenry25. I can understand how concerning this must be. Our social media team will be happy to look into this for you and provide some clarity on the situation. You can contact them here.

I have just sent them a message on Facebook. How fast should I expect a response? This is really stressing me out

@shenry25 It shouldn't normally be too long. Can I ask if you've had a response now?

Yes they have agreed that the default was registered in January 2018 and should no longer be showing on my credit report. It will be removed within 30 days

@shenry25 That's good to hear, thanks for letting us know. If you need anything else you know where to reach us.

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Did you ever get this sorted I’m in the same boat 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Tonyweldon - I've just replied to your other post


Yes I did thankfully! They agreed that the 6 years had passed and it shouldn't be on my credit report anymore and removed it within a couple of days.

Its's great to hear that we have been able to get this resolved for you.