04-09-2021 12:05 PM
I've got a THG3000 router - this had been working fine but a couple of weeks ago the 2.4ghz wifi stopped. The 5ghz signal and wired ethernet works ok, but I have several devices that can only connect to 2.4ghz.
This isn't to do with the channel being out of range for the devices; using Wifi Analyser on my Android phone detects no 2.4ghz signal from the router at all even when sat next to it.
I've tried:
- split and combined 2.4ghz and 5ghz SSIDs
- enabling 'guest' wifi, with split and combined SSIDs
- resetting using the browser interface
- resetting using the button on the router
- using the old Vodafone app (via Nox emulator) to manually set wifi channels - needed to do this anyway to keep 5ghz on lower channels to for my Amazon Fire TV stick
Router firmware version is 19.4.0551-3269082. Running the diagnosis utility in the router web interface says everything is fine - but it clearly isn't!
I've run out of things to try. Any suggestions or is this likely a physical fault with the router that needs replacing?
04-09-2021 01:13 PM
If you have done a factory reset from the firmware and the 2.4Ghz is still not present then a faulty router would seen to be the most likely cause.
I've not seen anyone with the same firmware level as you have, mine is still19.2.0307-3261019, but I can't see that having anything to do with the problem.
Unfortunately I don't know Vodafone's rules on replacing faulty routers, you will just have to contact them and see.
04-09-2021 01:22 PM
Interestingly a user with a similar firmware to yours had it rolled back after doing a factory reset, so perhaps it does have some problems.
Re: Router not resolving some DNS until rebooted - Community home (
04-09-2021 03:07 PM
Thanks - I've just done another factory reset via the browser interface but the firmware version hasn't changed.
Still getting 5ghz but no 2.4ghz.
04-09-2021 05:19 PM
Does sound like a faulty router then.
04-09-2021 06:43 PM
07-09-2021 11:59 AM
Thanks @andy - raised via the social team and they passed on to tech support. Had a call yesterday and tried another factory reset to no avail, and had a replacement router delivered today - pretty good customer service!
So far all looking good, with a nice strong 2.4ghz signal as well as the 5ghz.
@Jayach the new router arrived with a firmware of 17.4.c.0277-2441004 but restarted a couple of times after connection and is now on 19.4.0551-3269082, the same as the faulty one it replaced. So if the issue was related to the firmware, it hasn't hit the same circumstances as before (yet!).
Fingers crossed it all keeps working, and thanks for the replies and help.
07-09-2021 12:29 PM
Thanks for the update @jamesnor, sounds like the new router has fixed the issue! Keep us updated with how you get on 👍
07-09-2021 06:41 PM
@jamesnor wrote:@Jayach the new router arrived with a firmware of 17.4.c.0277-2441004 but restarted a couple of times after connection and is now on 19.4.0551-3269082, the same as the faulty one it replaced. So if the issue was related to the firmware, it hasn't hit the same circumstances as before (yet!).
Thanks for that.
I have factory reset my router and it has now updated to the same firmware as you, 19.4.0551-3269082.
Strange it hadn't already updated without the need for the factory reset.