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Site Issue

4: Newbie

I was trying to help a friend sign up for


Anytime Landline & Mobile -£8

Pro Full Fibre 900 - £30

Total £38


(I tried for her when I had gotten home same issue also noticed price has increased to £35 for internet)

She always gets this appear



No option to switch to Xtra even if selecting edit plan. (I know myself when i looked about month ago it was before they was giving fire tablets out it had it as a separate option)


She went through the chat function on website but the staff on that was useless with no answer and kept asking if she had an account whats the details even with her clearly saying what the issue was.


I apologize if this is not the correct section.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Your picture hasn't been moderated yet.

I remember the Cheap FTTP was regional, and probably only on Cityfibre.

Also, bear in mind, the yearly April increases of CPI+3.9% are on the pre-discounted prices, and there will be 2 of them during the 2-year contract. Doesn't seem such a bargain then.

Voda is only provider via cityfibre she has available. (otherwise she would never consider them & she has waited 2 years already)


The issue is not price it's a message showing if you add both landline and that broadband together should get option for xtra which includes some extras.


I have heard conflicting stories related to price increase from people who are voda customers they have cpi applied to discount rate not pre also the t&c do not state they can do that.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I'm surprised Vodafone are the only possible supplier as there are many ISPs using them now.

The T&Cs say they can (and will) apply the increase, but there isn't any mention of how the discount will be applied, as far as I can find.

My discounted service shows the price and the discount separately, and all the info I have is that the increase will be on the original price and the discount will stay the same. I'll be able to confirm what happens in April next year.


When she first said about it I thought it may have been in area Voda do have exclusive deal for say first 12 months only and she had the date wrong when it became live but she showed me a letter which all the residents in the area received when the service first went live trying to get people to sign up even with special prices.


I contacted CityFibre who are waste of time wouldn't even answer the question trying to divert away from it every time so I am not sure whats going on and this shouldn't be allowed they have no competition.


Bill wise I am going by what other people I know have been charged for broadband and mobile also I did speak to a friend who has past month been layed off by them saying it should be done on how much you pay not original price because they provide discounts due to how much they pay at wholesale.


The problem is again useless ofcom allow companies to get away with what they like and allowing flexible t&c for the companies.


Has the image been allowed yet?


Why voda do not allow reporting of site errors is another puzzling one

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Yes, the picture has been moderated. It gives no doubt that she/you should be able to get the Xxtra package at the same price. However, if the link doesn't work (try it in a different browser) I can only suggest contacting Vodafone direct, I don't think you will be able to get any help from the forum.

You should be able to confirm which ISPs are supplying via CityFibre on their website.

Homes | CityFibre

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Out of interest, I tried an order in a CityFibre area, and yes it gave me the same banner for Xtra, but no way could I chose it. However, the price was £30 + £8 for calls.


Perhaps they have removed the Xtra option, but the website coding hasn't been updated. 

The small print does say the yearly increase is on the monthly price, so perhaps that is the discounted price, guess I will find out in April. 

Hey @MillerJones I hope you are doing well! I have raised this to the website media team now so that they can look into the issues you are having. 

@Jayach thanks for lending a hand with this 🙂

Issue is still present it has been days now.


She contacted someone from Voda they are useless even went into one of the stores and they was happy to sign her up but cant price wise get close to online offers.


@Jayachit was the Pro package 900 not the full fibre 900 one at that price before never mind anyway the error happens with all of them.


The other thing is whats the point of this new fancy wifi 6e router you cant even order online the person in store said they have to call to order it as well.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@MillerJones wrote:

@Jayachit was the Pro package 900 not the full fibre 900 one at that price before never mind anyway the error happens with all of them.

Ah, sorry, missed it was Pro. Yes, I get £35 for Pro as well.