10-07-2022 09:24 AM
I live in France and have a UK Vodafone sim, on PAYG. I need to receive SMS verification codes for accounts I have in UK. Will I be able to receive them, free, under the new rules from July 12th.
Warren Peece
10-07-2022 09:31 AM
It's always free to receive @WarrenPeece
The problem you are going to have is living in France and being considered permanent roaming, there is a time limit on how long you are able to roam, being a UK service you are expected to return to the UK and use the service on the local network. If you refer to this link it will give the information but this may well change when the new rules for using the phone abroad have been introduced. Global Roaming Further information on the charge checker Roaming Charge Checker
19-07-2022 09:04 PM
I thought that the rules ware for people roaming abroad permanently and using/abusing the Regulation (EU) No 531/2012. Especially "data limits".
Roaming abroad permanently and not using/abusing the allowances shouldn't really have any impact on VF pocket
For 20+y I have been using roaming SIM cards in the UK and never been told off/disconnected as a result.