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Expired PAC code

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Hi - we have a new starter who is moving over to our Business - he was given a PAC code for the number however this has now expired (last week), found out when we were trying to move the numnber- is there anyway of getting the number back and association with a PAYG sim so we can then get a new PAC so we can get it moved over ? - he has had the number 12 years so would be good to sort out if possible. 


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Hi @rs2576 


This sounds like it for an employee who is taking his personal number to the business, if that is correct the employee will only need to request a new PAC from his previous provider. 

No - He called vodafone - they told him it had been ceased and he wouldn't be able to get the number.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

That seems strange.  AFAIK, if a PAC is unused, the number simply stays where it is, so he should be with his original provider, who ought to be able to issue a new PAC.

If, as @AnnS suggests, he's moving ownership of his personal nunber to your business, he first need to PAC to the same provider, then do a change of ownership, assuming we've understood correctly that's what's required.

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

If the number is completely disconnected I'm wondering did he give a 30 day notice at the same time as getting the pac? Not usually required as the pac will cancel the contract when it moves to the other account. Either way they should be able to get the number reconnected - this can be done within a short time frame of the disconnection- 30 days maybe? And normally only takes a few hours. If it is v/f to v/f that you are wanting to transfer it to it will depend on the type of business acc ie if it's on the legacy system. If not then it might be a port to payg and port back in. 

In any case I would suggest the new employee contacts v/f again. If he /she is not getting any joy over the normal live chat and phone channels I would try f/b or twitter - those agents maybe have a bit more knowledge and clout. I do hope you get it sorted.