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Retrieve disconnected number ??

1: Seeker
Hi. I had a mobile number which I chose to disconnect back in May this year. However on the day it was disconnected I changed my mind and phoned Vodafone to request for a PAC code. However I was informed that it was too late. Since May I have phoned Vodafone quite a few times and requested for this number to be reconnected. However have been told that it is not possible and the number will be recycled. Is there any way in this world that I can get my old number back??
140 REPLIES 140

 Hi Anns,


It was done like this because Vodafone was not able to give me a good deal on a new line.

So i will still have to transfer my 02 PAC to the upgraded Voda number.

This will obviously disconnect my Voda number, but is there any alternative like suggested above? Retreiving once it has been disconnected.




17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Hi @bodrulm123


Unfortunately not, the O2 number with replace the Vodafone number.  A line cannot exist without a number.


I am very surprised Vodafone were unable to give a good deal on a new number and insisted on you upgrading.


If the Vodafone number is important to you, the only way to keep the number will be as mentioned and this is something Vodafone should be willing to help you achieve.

Vodafone applied a 30% discount as a upgrade, but on a new number they were able to only offer 15%.


Thanks for your help.

My daughters number was disconnected after the end of her contract even though we obtained a PAC code and it was not used. It is not saying number not recognised. Can she still get this back? We did give 30 days notice by phone and got a PAC code at the same time. Will a PAC code work if the number is saying not recognised.

She is distraught now :Sad_face:

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Vodafone wouldn't have terminated the contract or number until they received word from the alternative network that they had used the Pac code given to them by your daughter. 

If you decided to not use the Pac code which is only live for 30 days only and went with the 30 days notice thus releasing use of the mobile number then Vodafone would suspend and quarantine it and place it in a number pool to be recycled at a later date. 

It wouldn't harm to ask them to see if they can put that number on a Payg account and then use a new Pac Code if she still wishes to switch networks. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Thank you for that - we will try what you suggested.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

You're very welcome. 

It can't harm to ask. 


Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Pleased to say that despite saying the number was not recognised for 4 days after the contract ended the PAC code did work and the number successfully ported over.

Thanks - one happy daughter today.

Please help, I need my old number back too :Sad_face: xxx

Thank you @donnyguy - apprecaite the usfeul thought process and encouragement !


I've now been contacted by the very friendly Vodafone tech team on a private link and will feedback to yourself and the wider community the outcome.


Again living in the hope of a succesful resolution.



