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Retrieve disconnected number ??

1: Seeker
Hi. I had a mobile number which I chose to disconnect back in May this year. However on the day it was disconnected I changed my mind and phoned Vodafone to request for a PAC code. However I was informed that it was too late. Since May I have phoned Vodafone quite a few times and requested for this number to be reconnected. However have been told that it is not possible and the number will be recycled. Is there any way in this world that I can get my old number back??
140 REPLIES 140



Thanks for the reassuring message, indeed they have reached out to me.  I was a bit delayed getting back to them, but have now responded to their query.


Many Thanks 🙂


Hi Coleen. If you read my messages above you can see my problem. I've privately messaged DaneB and asked for a response on the forum but unfortunately haven't received any response in the last 4 days. Can somebody please help me out and let me know if my number is at all recoverable? Thank you so much

Hi @Colleen If you read my messages above you can see my problem. I've privately messaged @DaneB and asked for a response on the forum but unfortunately haven't received any response in the last 4 days. Can somebody please help me out and let me know if my number is at all recoverable? Thank you so much

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@mashhud1 To reach our team, please pop us a message on Facebook or Twitter @VodafoneUK. We'll then be able to get to the bottom of things with your number for you.

Can someone assist me with this please? I am having the same issue!

Unfortnuately for me, I had a number of services setup with 2FA on this number & I can no longer access those services due to disconnection of the number.

Any help would be appreciated.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@Calenliam How long haven't you used this number for? Do you know how long it's been disconnected for? 

Since 2018 - About 1 year 9 months since the last time i used it.


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@Calenliam That is quite a while, so we could never guarantee the number is still free. You'd need to contact us directly to see what we can do :Laughing_Face:

I have got a slightly different issue.  I had a Payg sim with o2 for emergency us in the car, didn't use it frequently enough and it got suspended.  When I called up o2 today they told me the number had reverted to Vodafone on 2 September, as it originally came from there.  I had bought the number many years ago because I could remember it and am desperate to get it back.  If I call it, it's currently not in use.  Is there any way I could get it back if I sign up to Vodafone? 

My number has been recycled, and for a while now. I keep calling it, but it just does not go through. How can I get it back from the ether? I would be happy to pay a (reasonable) price to get my number back please. I currently have a different Vodafone number, in case that's important.