03-01-2023 07:03 AM
Hi there,
so my internet my ‘partner’ got out in his name for our house and sue to breakdown this will still be his but he won’t be living hear.
is it possible for the account to be changed over into my name and my bank? Regardless of charge. I need if possible it to be done like now. So no ties or the control he can have from his phone to what is connected. Or he can switch it off at any point.
(This is not me saying he has done so, it’s just so there is no issues and no arguing or extra communication that’s not needed)
thank you
03-01-2023 07:17 AM
You are going to need to ask your ex to complete this form @Laurab1990 Change of Ownership , it's your ex's account and he will need to complete his part of the form.
It will only be the airtime part of the contract that can be transferred to your name, the device is a credit agreement.
03-01-2023 07:28 AM
Thankyou. I’m so clueless with stuff like this.