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Forum Posts

Resolved! Whitelist Domain from Vodafone Content Control

Hi Team, I have been directed here to whitelist my domain name its throwing up the Vodafone content control messages - for no reason that we know. Could you please whitelist this domain and reclassify such that it isn't restrict...

Resolved! Defaulted Account - Impacting Mortgage Application

Hi, While applying for a mortgage my credit check has came back with a defaulted account form 2017 - These accounts are really old and I wasn't aware they had defaulted (thought everything was square and paid for!).  have a few dribs and drabs of pap...

WiFi Calling Whilst Abroad

Hi, Does it cost to use WiFi Calling whilst abroad. I'm travelling to Asia on holiday and would be nice if I didn't have to pay the £6 a day to call back to the UK. Thanks

griff66 by 4: Newbie
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Cancel VeryMe Rewards

Hi, Does anyone know how to completely cancel VeryMe Rewards? I never use them. Thanks

mazdamj by 2: Seeker
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Has anyone had a default removed by Vodafone?

Hi all, Just wondering if anyone managed to have a default removed form their account? I was with Vodafone for 3+ years and decided to switch in Feb 2020, as far as I was aware everything was cleared and there was nothing left to do. This was the fir...

reginapa by 2: Seeker
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Call Waiting Won't Disable

So I have a Samsung S7 Edge, during the many years I have been with Vodafone I have never used the call waiting feature.  I often can't get off the call I am currently on so feel that it's better that customers get an engaged tone rather than think I...

Tigggger by 2: Seeker
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Prime renewal

I have just reviewed my contract. Last one had prime and new one has prime. Vodafone package says I have to cancel. Amazon won’t let me as it’s managed by Vodafone. What do I need to do? Any ideas!! 

blocked puk

Hi,  I have a company phone and tariff and my sim card puk got blocked - can you help please ? Thank you ! 

Can't receive incoming calls while abroad

Hi I have a Samsung S8 on pay monthly, data roaming enabled, bags of data etc and am UK based. Whenever I am in Spain, I can make outgoing calls, make and receive texts and  use all my data allowance. But if someone phones me,  my phone doesn't ring....