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Problem with one number connection on new Apple Watch ultra

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Seems I’m another having huge issues with Mobile Data for Apple Watch and one number

I have upgraded my apple watch to watch ultra and trying to re pair the new watch to my one number this seems to have everyone confused and no one can help!

vodafone app says you have reached the top of the mountain please cancel subscription before registering new one ! But there is no subscriptions on my account 

latest advise is to cancel the one number contact and re apply for a new one

all subcribtions where cancelled, new open orders are being cancelled, 2 weeks almots and my watch is still not connected.

No one knows what to do and how to deal with this issue.

I really regret picking Vodafone as my service provider- never had that issue on O2. And customer service is terrible. Loads of empty promises.

I ve spent numerous hours on chat and phone in order to sort that and every time i am being told same thing@ it will work in 24h hours.@

Can someone finally help or do i really need to terminate my contracts to get such a simple thing working!!



Kind Regards



Community Manager
Community Manager

I'm sorry to hear you're having difficulty setting up our new watch @Emilmaruszak. If you can pop us a message via one of our social channels, we'll be more than happy to take a closer look into this for you and I'm sure we'll have it up and running in no time at all. 

Can someone help me with the exact same issue of customer service not being able to connect my new apple

watch ultra to my one number plan. The watch was bought directly through Vodafone and I was told it would work out of the box, and a week later after daily calls to the misery line (191) I’m. I closer to a working cellular plan

Hey @Phil020682, thanks for reaching out to us. Sorry to see you're having trouble with your Apple Watch connection. 

We'll be able to take a look into this for you and get your watch connected. Please reach out to our Social Media team on Facebook or Twitter


Exactly the same problem … 5 x 1 or 1.5 hour support calls … new One contracts… multiple resets … multiple network setting updates … still no connection.


No ownership of the problem, really the worst customer support experience … how was it designed to be so customer unfriendly.. ?  It takes so long every time  just to get to the same place in the work flow…  192 literally throws you off it is doesn’t understand your request.  


Please can someone at VF actually help without wasting more and more of my time…. i just dread the experience of contacting you.


Yours hopefully 


Hey @kw999 In order for us to look into this for you, you would need to reach out to us on social media as we have no account access via this platform. 

Not applicable

@Emilmaruszak Did you manage to resolve this? I now have the same issue and just can’t face more hours of the sheer incompetence of 191. How can Vodafone get this so wrong?