22-10-2009 11:47 AM
22-10-2009 01:24 PM
22-10-2009 04:10 PM
22-10-2009 07:32 PM
Hi Rwhitetlc,
All of the charges can be found as follows.
Mobile Broadband Via a dongle charges whils abroad.
Mobile internet charges Via your phone whilst abroad.
Picture message charges whilst abroad.
Call charges whilst abroad.
eForum Team
22-10-2009 10:56 PM
MBB's cant use inclusive data when abroad - The costs are huge - I'd just use wifi..
23-10-2009 09:06 AM
23-10-2009 11:49 AM
Hey there rwhitetlc,
I think the website bit refers to an old price plan on business, you still get that rate- if not, your on the new charges, so the ones at the top of that page applies.
The WiFi would need to be used wherever you can find it– Can’t help on that one sorry!
eForum Team
23-10-2009 12:44 PM
23-10-2009 07:31 PM
Hi Matt,
The 3GB Data Packs are purely for UK use. The Data Roaming Pack was something that was only ever available to business customers, and was specifically for use while roaming, so this will not apply to a 3GB Data pack.
I've had a look at your account based on your previous email to us, and the information you've been given is correct.
You have a 3GB Data Pack, not a Data Roaming Pack.
eForum Team