24-08-2016 02:10 PM
Past 2 days I have had to recharge the battery. when fully charged it says 18 hours left previously it used to say 5 days left for example. I can't find anything suspicious to drain it as soon as charged. I have just fully charged earlier today and it says 94% approx 1day 1 hr left and I haven't used it since the recharge.WI-FI is turned off history details since last charge Screen On 1%. Thanks
24-08-2016 02:16 PM
You were given some excellent information on battery usage on your thread below.
24-08-2016 03:30 PM
Yes I know hence why it can't find anything draining battery, my new question was why does it say fully charged and only xx hours left when previously it would fully charged 5/6 days left.
24-08-2016 03:25 PM
You may find some battery type apps in your App Store which may help.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
24-08-2016 03:38 PM
thanks this is why I asked if you knew about "
Battery Doctor (Battery Saver)" on google apps?
26-08-2016 10:32 AM
Have you been into one of our Vodafone stores to have this looked at? Did you try a battery saving app?
Let us know how you get on.
26-08-2016 04:50 PM
Hi Cara
I have been to your stores (Sutton, Surrey) yesterday and today, because yesterday I was told "this is normal for smart phones, go and do some more testing" but it discharged overnight so went back today and saw the manager who said probably faulty battery and can't replace as shops do not hold spare batteries, has to be sent away under warranty as over 1 month since bought. so now trying to back everything up Not easy as when connected via USB all it says is internal storeage and I can't find my contacts. I guess I will go down this route. Turned battery saver on (not sure why it turns off automatically when you recharge and doesn't come back on, didn't know this until today.
27-08-2016 03:56 PM
How can I check what is saved on the sim card as when I connect via USB to PC it only display internal storage? Trying to back it all up before sending it for replacement/repair.
28-08-2016 09:23 AM
Presumably you mean the (micro-)SD card rather than the SIM card?
The SIM card will probably only have Contacts and possibly some texts on it, but I don't think it's possible to view it via a PC. In any case, you need to retain the SIM card (as well as the SD card) when the phone goes for repair. See here for general advice about preparing a phone to send for repair - in the normal case, you are advised to retain the battery and phone back, but obviously the battery won't apply when there seems to be a fault with that! If you are returning it via a store, they'll be able to check that you are retaining /returning the appropriate bits.
I'm not sure why you wouldn't be seeing the SD card as well as the internal storage when you connect to your PC. Are you seeing it OK when you use the phone's File Manager? (see p57 of the User Manual). I guess you could take it out of the phone, and use the card port on your PC? There's also the option to back up app data and settings to your Google account (see the manual).
My various phones all seem to behave very slightly differently from one another when connected to my PC, but all show me both storage locations. I have a Smart 4 Mini as a spare now, and I've just checked that - the phone has to be on for the PC to do more than just charge it, but provided the phone is on, my PC definitely shows both the internal storage and the SD card..
28-08-2016 09:44 AM
@sallyjustice Further thought - you can check whether Contacts are saved on the phone or on the SD card, using the People app - see pp 29-30 of the user manual. I usually save contacts in both places, so that either the phone or the card can fail without causing too many problems!