02-11-2017 03:54 PM
I have a strange fault with my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. At times I do not get any sound from the device. When I look at audio output it shows outputting to a USB device of itself, or a when you get a notification you would get the strangest noises from the device. A reboot of the device fixes the problem for a short time. Other forums have suggested disabling USB audio routing and other suggestions and this does not solve the problem.
Thats where the problem started so I thought I would try and get it repaired by vodafone. Only trouble was there was a tiny crack on the screen which I was not even worried about and did not want it repaired. However policy was that they can't repair the phone with any other damage to the device. So the screen needed to be fixed at a cost of £221. After much negotiating a comprimise was reached. Vodaphone would give me £100 towards the cost of repair. I agreed to the repair with two conditions if the phone came back with the same fault. Discussions were also had about the consumer rights act 2015 where the operator acknolowledged I only need to give Vodafone one attempt at repair.
Condition 1 was that the cost of the repair would be refunded.
Condition 2 was that I would be able to upgrade to a different phone by paying the upfront cost of the other phone preserving the aniversary of my upgrade. This would be like getting the phone replaced for a new one, with me having no more faith in the S7 edge I wanted a different phone.
So the phone got repaired and now the same fault has occured. I phoned Vodafone to give them the oppotunity to stand by the arrangements we had made. They wanted me to sent the phone away for a second time, this is not what the Consumer Rights Act 2015 states needs to happen. CRA 2015 states that I only need to give one chance to repair the device and then I am entitled to a full refund or replacement. Customer Relations are now saying they will not stand by the agreement. They have taken back the £100 credit for the cost of the repair and have now esculated to the deadlock team.
I have no idea how we have got to the point of deadlock. Even worst this is going to cause me £222 yes I did did say the cost was quoted at £221 but the projected next bill includes a extra charge of £222 and potential weeks of waiting to get this resolved.
02-11-2017 04:29 PM
Screenshot attached just incase anyone gets the same problem.
02-11-2017 04:51 PM - edited 02-11-2017 04:55 PM
Hi @kwilloughby
As far as I'm aware all the Networks and manufacturers will take on board a reported issue but if damage is present that could be attributed to a drop ie scuffs and dints on the housing or cracked screens as well as water sensor tripped they will not repair for free under the manufacturing warranty.
May I ask how the cracked screen came about ?
Also a repair might necessitate the removal of the screen or work near it so if it's cracked this would only make the crack possibly worse.
A deadlock letter is issued by Vodafone if an impasse is reached so you can then engage an outside body to assist / arbitrate for you.
When the Vodafone Agent agreed to these stipulations was thus out in an email or text message etc ?
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
02-11-2017 05:45 PM
I understand why the screen needed to be repaired. You can't take these modern phones apart with a broken screen. However the real fault is nothing to do with the screen. That' why we agreed to a discount on the screen repair.
However in agreeing to have the screen repair I wanted some guarantee that a strange intermittent problem would also be fixed. Otherwise I would not have bothered.
I did not have the conditions in writing but the agent did read out clealy to me the notes which included eveything I have said. He assured me once they are on file they cannot be changed on deleted.
The agent I spoke to can see the notes but says the other agent should not have agreed those terms.
The other fact here is that the phone is now in warranty after screen replacement so I should be well within my rights to ask for a full refund for the phone or a replacement whichever I prefer under cra2015.
I am also sure this is a fault with many s7 phones with no sound. Googling s7 disable auto usb output returns many stories of no sound. As far as I can see however I may be the first to notice what is displayed in audio output.
03-11-2017 02:29 PM
@kwilloughby I'm very sorry to hear about what's happened.
As you're currently in the position of deadlock, our team would be unable to intervene, due to the fact your case is now at our highest point of escalation.
You'll receive a letter within 21 days of the deadlock being issued and I hope everything gets resolved for you soon.
09-11-2017 06:01 PM
I am need of some help still with this as I may have made things worse with customer relations. When I spoke to them today I was told there was no update even though the 14 days I was told to expect has now expired and there is no timeframe from when I can expect it to be resolved.
I was concerned the 222 cost of the repair was going to come out on the 15 so asked if that part of the bill could be moved til it was resolved. I was advised to cancel the direct debit on my end. Really bad advice as I understand. So said could I become a cash customer and then tried to clarify if i were a cash customer would customer relations be able to move the 222 cost to next bill or until the situation is resolved. I could not get a answer so I said don't bother cancelling the direct debit. Too late it was already done. So I asked for the direct debit to be setup again. I was told a mandate number and informed I needed to inform my bank myself. At this point i did call her mad which i think she thought I was being rude of something and said forget it I will just be a cash customer.
I need someone to reinstate the direct debit properly I.e. a new rd mandate sent out to be signed and returned as I am used to. I do not know how to do the other way she was trying to do it. Ideally I would like someone also to move the 222 over until next bill or until this is resolved. I am getting nowhere until the deadlock team get back to me but I think it is unreasonable to be charging me 222 while it is still being investigated.
At all costs I do not want to damage my credit score because of the problem this is causing but I also do not want Vodafone taking this money.
10-11-2017 06:52 AM
I'm guessing you've been through several levels of escalation within Vodafone if you've found yourself in a situation where they are deadlocking you with their final position.
You can either call 191 or set up a direct debit through the My Vodafone platform. Either way I'd ensure you make a payment so your credit file isn't marked with late payment flags. Even calling and making a card payment before the due date would ensure all would be OK.
As for your position with the phone, did you have all these conversations over the phone meaning will there be recordings that back up your understanding of the situation? If so, then wait for the deadlock and then take it to the ombudsman. They'll do a full investigation and give a final ruling on the matter. If they're unhappy with the way Vodafone have dealt with you then they'll instruct them on refunds and how to resolve etc.
As the moderator said above, there really is nothing more that can be done internally if you've reached deadlock as that is Vodafone's final position.