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Can't log in to VF Account since my SS is not working and I can't get the 2-factor auth code !!!

9: Established

If you rely on a Suresignal, and it's not working, then when you try to log in to your on-line account (such as to change SS settings!) then you can't get the 6-figure authorisation code which the website will only send to yoru phone.


Catch 22.


Is there any way to bypass the 2-factor authorisation method?


This clearly hasn't been thought through!!!



Happy migrant to Three Mobile


May 2021 UPDATED SureSignal information including SureSignal Switch-Off and WiFi calling options


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion



No you can't bypass the security protocols. 


Do you have a landline etc which the code can be sent to as an alternative?


Regarding your Sure Signal. 


Please take a look through these Sure Signal Trouble Shooting threads :

as these may help to resolve issues. They have links to the key things you can do to try and self resolve the issue you are experiencing.


Please Note : If the Sure Signal displays ANY signs of internal failure / no lights then unplug it straightaway and contact Vodafone Customer Services.

It may also be worth trying a different power supply with the SureSignal (Version 1 & 2 ), as there have been some reports of replacement power supplies solving the issues. Even if lights / power are showing. They are available on eBay for around £10.


From member cineriv "But firstly, have a look around for a suitable unit with a 12 Volt output @ around 1.5Amp capacity that you could 'borrow' to prove the fault. Suitable units can be found on external hard drives, monitors, printers, routers etc.etc."

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Hi, Lee.  Yes I have a landline to which the code could be sent but I didn't see that option in the login page.


I will post separately re the problems



Happy migrant to Three Mobile


May 2021 UPDATED SureSignal information including SureSignal Switch-Off and WiFi calling options

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion



If you speak with Live Chat or customer service on 191 they'll help with that. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



OK, just come off Live Chat.


"I am told" (which does not always mean it is right, in Vodaland) that I can send the auth code to another number such as landline.  BUT I can't choose at the time of login.


So, if I'm at home and the SS is not working, I can't log in via code sent to mobile.


If I change to send code to landline, then I can onyl ever log in if I'm at home.


Catch 2222



Happy migrant to Three Mobile


May 2021 UPDATED SureSignal information including SureSignal Switch-Off and WiFi calling options

Clearly my SS has a latent-complaint-detector.  Both phones have suddenly spring into life and connected to the SS.


Let's hope it stays like that.


Actually, I have had a SS for over a year and have not to date had any problems



Happy migrant to Three Mobile


May 2021 UPDATED SureSignal information including SureSignal Switch-Off and WiFi calling options

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

I was under the impression by adding an alternative number then you could choose which number the 2FA Security Code is sent to. 


Like a drop down selection option. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Well, that would be sensible, and was indeed my imagined solution, but that's why I said "I was told".  If you can verify differently, that would be great



Happy migrant to Three Mobile


May 2021 UPDATED SureSignal information including SureSignal Switch-Off and WiFi calling options

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

I've searched on the forum and it certainly is the case as I mentioned. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



I've had a search and clearly not used the right search terms.  Do you have any links? Ideally a VF person so I can inform the chat agent authoritatively



Happy migrant to Three Mobile


May 2021 UPDATED SureSignal information including SureSignal Switch-Off and WiFi calling options