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Can't log in to VF Account since my SS is not working and I can't get the 2-factor auth code !!!

9: Established

If you rely on a Suresignal, and it's not working, then when you try to log in to your on-line account (such as to change SS settings!) then you can't get the 6-figure authorisation code which the website will only send to yoru phone.


Catch 22.


Is there any way to bypass the 2-factor authorisation method?


This clearly hasn't been thought through!!!



Happy migrant to Three Mobile


May 2021 UPDATED SureSignal information including SureSignal Switch-Off and WiFi calling options


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

You can definitely have the security code sent to another number. I have my home phone number showing on my account and when I start the log on process, I can choose from a list of numbers including my home phone number. 


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

There you go @cliff_g


Another bery well established respected member has confirmed what I mentioned. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Yes, thanks.  It wasn't that I doubted what I heard here, more a case of having some "official" back-up when talking/chatting to VF themselves - who I think it must be admitted, don't always know authoritatively - it must be hard to know everythign about such complex systems.


Anyway, I have also found that it's not necessary to call or chat to them - the alternative number can be entered under the account : Profile and Accoutn Settings / Manage Account Settings / against Alternative Account Number - do ADD then complete as necessary.  This is the same number as would presumably be entered by a VF agent.


Then when you log in you get the dialogue:




VF could do with some simple extra explanation to help themselves and their customers.  The text below the above dialogue, which says "Don't have your phone to hand?" doesn't mention this option at all.


Anyway, thanks everyone.  All sorted



Happy migrant to Three Mobile


May 2021 UPDATED SureSignal information including SureSignal Switch-Off and WiFi calling options

9: Established

I am still having problems with my Suresignal after a SIM swap / de-register/re-register palaver.  One one Live Chat the agent said call 191 and ask to speak to the Sure Signal team.  But on 191 there is no option to speak to anyone about a Sure Signal.


How can I get to speak to someone who can provide some answers and decent advice?



Happy migrant to Three Mobile


May 2021 UPDATED SureSignal information including SureSignal Switch-Off and WiFi calling options

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion



Generic advice is to de register for 24 hours. 


When calling 191 try choosing 'Thinking of Leaving' which should get you through to an agent. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Good suggestion re "thinking of leaving".


I'll post separately re the problems but I note the 24 hour deregistration suggestion.



Happy migrant to Three Mobile


May 2021 UPDATED SureSignal information including SureSignal Switch-Off and WiFi calling options