04-02-2016 08:05 PM
Any chance of getting the portal sorted - pushing the boundaries of "later" a little bit now after 4 days of trying.
Sorry – there seems to be a problem.
Something went wrong, sorry. Our techs are working hard to get it sorted - so please pop back later.
04-02-2016 08:19 PM
Sorry to to hear your having issues with your Sure Signal.
Perhaps try Live Chat.
Or try Customer service support-> Call 03333 040 191 or 191 then take option 2 three times and finally option 5 – straight to the Sure Signal team.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
04-02-2016 11:54 PM
Your not the only one, I've been trying since Monday, been on live chat twice, both times I've been told I'm now registered everything is sorted but I'm still not registered.
The last chat finished "Enjoy the rest of your life!"
It would help if I could get my Suresignal registered!
05-02-2016 06:46 PM
Excellent service! Any update from anyone at Vodafone?
07-02-2016 01:58 PM
After 3 online chats earlier this week trying to get my SureSignal working I called and was transferred to the SureSignal dept. Helpful lady there checked with their 3rd line who sent a firmware upgrade to my SureSIgnal, now it works fine.
Front line chat agaents don't seem to be aware of this.
The lady at SureSignal tells me they can be called direct on 03333 040 191 option 2 option 3
07-02-2016 02:32 PM
Finally got registered & now working, had to call 191 as Myvodafone account webpage failed.
Have just managed to log in & add numbers to Suresignal.
Now I can "enjoy the rest of my life!!!"
11-02-2016 07:49 PM
12-02-2016 10:27 AM
I'd love to but the last 6 times I've been to that link it just says "Busy"......
No sign of you fixing the portal then?
12-02-2016 01:16 PM
Have you tried clearing Cache and removing Vodafone cookies? Worked for me.