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HTC 10 on Vodafone

6: Helper
6: Helper
So, exciting news about the HTC 10 yesterday.
The leaks left me doubting if the device was good enough, but initial reviews suggest it might have got it right.

In the meantime TechRadar suggests VF are sitting on the fence about whether to stock it.

I'm sure a helpful VF member of staff will point us to the pointless "Coming Soon" page. Thanks for that.

Meantime here in the real world who would like VF to stock the HTC 10?
Is it incredible or even possible that VF are considering to NOT run with it?
291 REPLIES 291

4: Newbie
Just ordered my HTC 10 through cpw, was going to go with VF still but after all this I decided I'd give my business to Three. Bye guys

@heppie89 well done. I'm playing with the idea of ordering from CPW where I'll get the £50 cashback (meaning no upfront) and will take a contract with any provider but VF. In case of a miracle and VF offering HTC 10 from day of release I could cancel the CPW deal within the cooling off period, couldn't I? 

3: Seeker
3: Seeker
It might also be worth noting that on the buy page o2 and Vodafone are not listed, but they are for other HTC phones :Sad_face:

The bit that's ultra frustrating here - aside from the mixed messages - is VF persistently offer a black and white "official" message whilst they are negotiating in the background; I wish they would be more transparent / honest about where they are. If they are considering the HTC 10 then a clue would help all on this thread make a decision.


I assume VF would negotiate a decent rate with HTC to buy the handsets at trade and then capitalise on the mark-up as well as add on some credit costs over the subsequent 24months.


I'm seriously thinking on taking a SIM only contract (12months), and hitting one of the credit cards with an unlocked HTC 10 - repaying over 12months.

An online APR calculator shows I'll be saving money despite upgrading my current contract allowance!


VF lose money (no mark-up or credit charges), I get a bloatware free device, that will undoubtedly upgrade quicker, have more resale value especially after only 12months of use AND I can still scrape some of the VEA discount on the SIM only deal.

Is that a [consumer] win win win win win or what?!?


@LordLanky - I cannot help it but after another chat to the sales team today  I feel the same about what is actually going on in the background. I've had my details taken and the person I connected with sent my call back details on priority basis to get a call asap with the launch date and price plans a I will be offered the best deal they can do for me as they don't want to lose a customer like me. I will not quote/copy+paste as I don't want to get the person into trouble. I'm really sorry for the poor sales guys who are getting asked about HTC 10 hundred times a day and they are not sure what information to provide.I will hold off for now.

3: Seeker
3: Seeker
Yip I'm thinking along the same lines but I'll be ditching vodafone as they are really struggling with everything except annoying customers.

6: Helper
6: Helper
This amused me overnight. HTC 10 wins 41% of the votes in a "Fave phone of 2016" poll!
S7 @ 37% and G5 @ 14%.
Summary: "the HTC 10 is the phone that's won your hearts for best new phone of 2016".

Maybe this is exactly the type of consumer feedback VF needs to u-turn the HTC 10 stock decision....?

4: Newbie

@LordLanky, that is an interesting post, I am with the majority of other people on here in that it is the uncertainty due to differing information that is frustrating.  I am holding out in the hopes that I can get a HTC10 from VF if the customer service team are correct insomuch as they have always said that managers think they will be getting the phone.


@burso83.  I know what you mean, I have had no problems with VF CS, they have been very helpful (and hopeful 😉 ) but they must get a little fed up with the sound of my voice LOL.


I could get the phone on VF from CPW or other online sources, but overall I have had a reasonably good experience with VF direct so better the devil you know as they say.  I'll wait and see I guess.  Contract finishes in under a month so I won't be tied if I need to shop around.

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

An interesting post..... 41% of people would choose HTC 10 and its not even out were as the S7 gets 37% and it is out..... Still not want to stock it Vodafone?

4: Newbie

False hope or not, I don't know!  After speaking to Vodafone customer services again today.  They confirmed their belief that they could not see why they would not be selling the HTC 10 when they have sold all the previous ones and they have always been popular.


I was told that there was still no official confirmation so it was only educated speculation, but that in addition I should know that sometimes they do not find out whether they'll be selling a particular model of phone until a couple of days before it goes on sale.


I am still left with the feeling that the Vodafone representatives on this eForum do not necessarily know more than those in customer services, only time will tell for sure.


There are some good deals on the HTC 10 elsewhere at the moment, some still on the VF network, so whether you wait and take a chance, or get in on a pre-order deal before the release date is a personal choice, I guess it depends how desperate you are to get upgraded.


Thought I would at least let you know what the latest was that I had heard.  I am in no doubt that the VF CS team will be fed up with answering questions about the HTC 10, but I am sure that being asked will not hurt.