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HTC 10 on Vodafone

6: Helper
6: Helper
So, exciting news about the HTC 10 yesterday.
The leaks left me doubting if the device was good enough, but initial reviews suggest it might have got it right.

In the meantime TechRadar suggests VF are sitting on the fence about whether to stock it.

I'm sure a helpful VF member of staff will point us to the pointless "Coming Soon" page. Thanks for that.

Meantime here in the real world who would like VF to stock the HTC 10?
Is it incredible or even possible that VF are considering to NOT run with it?
291 REPLIES 291

Haha, I was about to give them a call towards the end of the week. Thanks for the update. Now armed with the information from bizzare_ads I'm going to CPW to check on my upgrade eligibility and to ensure I'll be able to get a good deal from them. I will make the final decision on Thursday, still in time for the £50 cashback from CPW.

4: Newbie
Got a phone call from VF yesterday as my contract ends this week. They asked if I was interesting in upgrading to which I said I was only interested in the HTC 10. She spent a couple minutes looking into to it but ultimately said they were not stocking it whatsoever and understood why I said I would be cancelling and gave me all the info regarding ending my contract. So there we go guys, glad I got my CPW order in already as the 2 decent colours are now backorder and won't be delivered on release this Friday.

4: Newbie
Damn auto correct lol interested not interesting

4: Newbie
The cash back was discounted on the spot. I think the print out from CPW states the contract deal + the cash back and then had a "charge" of £79.99 upfront. When that is netted off I ended up paying £29.99 in store. I've gone for the grey handset which should arrive in store around the 18th, and the manager wasn't sure if I'd get an email or text alert to tell me. He said to call in on the 18th if I hadn't heard anything by then.

If you read the small print on the cash back deal, it does say that the cheque is only on the online deals. In store they pay you cash back via credit/debit card, which is how I paid the upfront coat anyway.

4: Newbie
Just to add..... I think the additional discount was in my favour as my previous contract was also took out via CPW, and that made the whole conversation much easier. On this type of thing if you don't ask you don't get, but I imagine that if you get a strict service person in store then you'll struggle to get the additional discount over the £50 cash back. Best suggestion I have is to stay friendly, have a list of "better deals" in your back pocket and keep your fingers crossed. For reference there are online deals on the £34/month tariff with no upfront costs and also £34.99 upfront costs. Have a look around the usual suspects websites and you'll find them. With regard to renewals specifically, CPW were the cheapest by a country mile thanks to that £50 cash back offer.

Good luck all!!

P.s. if anyone manages to find the Dot Matrix cover for sale at a reasonable price then let me know. I've gone for the spigen for now (15.05 release)

6: Helper
6: Helper
@bizarre_adz do you mean the new Ice View case instead of Dot Matrix? I saw the Ice View on for £39.99 and for £36.99.

4: Newbie
No ideas, thought it was similar to the previous dot matrix thing. But thanks for the heads up! £37 for a cover though ..... Ouch!!

Went to CPW today and after a few calls with VF I was told that because I'm on a sim-only running contract I cannot upgrade by any other way then VF directly or I'll have to buy out the rest of my plan which is something like £178. Thought about other ways and what I did is: I bought the handset directly from HTC with 10% discount with HTC10 code still applicable. and will find an alternate way of funding it.

ian henson
3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Hi All,


I Have just been informed by a Vodafone representative that they are going to stock the HTC 10 for upgrades in about a week:smileyhappy:

@ian henson I wouldn't believe them a word thay say. I spoke to the retentions team and was told they will not stock HTC, asked about the reasons,... long hold.... negative cust feedback on previous HTC models. Also been to chat to the sales team and asked the same question on availability and got the same negative answer.

If what you've been told (actually where did you get this information?) was true and they were about to offer the HTC 10 in a week I'm sure their sales team would know something about it. It's har do imagine they would only get a couple of days notice before the start.