22-05-2017 01:19 PM
Could do with some help/advice regards my iphone contract phone please as Im sick of Vodafone
Sent my iphone 5s for repair and paid 144 for repair as they said it had water damage lol....Vodafone sent phone back and after 2wks it started turning off and restarting but thought it was a glitch and persisted with it for a while...Phone finally got to be unusable so sent it back again and they wanted another 144 for another repair due to it being out of its 3mth repair warranty...After my first repair Vodafone sent me a phone back with a different IMEI number too so it wasnt even my original phone I got back..Put complaint in and to say I feel as if Im going round in circles is an understatment...I refuse to pay 144 for a repair to my phone when it was basically playing up from when I received it and due to it not being the origanal phone I got on my contract I want to know where I stand
I want to cancel my contract but have 10mth left of the contract. I basically dont have a usable contract phone at the minute...Any ideas please of what I can do. My phone is currently at the repair centre again...Im very annoyed with how you get treated to be honest and feel like a pawn in a game
22-05-2017 01:24 PM
did you not get offered a temporary phone from VF? in saying that, last time i put my phone in for repair i was told they didnt have any phones available for me to use
22-05-2017 01:29 PM
I have another phone to use thanks so did not take there phone....but thats not my issue
22-05-2017 03:34 PM
Hi @stickler
I'd be furious if I sent my iPhone off for repair and a different one was returned in its place as personally i sell my phones on so the serial numbers and imei numbers on the phone , retail box and receipt have to match.
Not only that the replacement is showing it's own issues and they want a fee to repair a phone that wasn't yours originally to begin with ! Beggars belief.
If local and convenient I would have gone to an Apple Store if under it's 12 month warranty as they know their hardware and software better than any repair centre. They would have fixed it on the spot or replaced with a mint refurbished iPhone. Tip > If they ever do then be sure to let Vodafone know of the swap or issues can exist if a person tries to have it unlocked to all networks down the line.
You should ensure they have the imei number of this replacement iPhone on their systems for the above reasons.
We have a Customer support team on the forum who maybe able to help and guide you. Please let them catch up with your post and I'm sure they'll help you with this situation if they can.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
22-05-2017 03:45 PM
Thanks for the reply...Yes it beggers belief and is one of the reasons Im refusing to pay again after such a short time...My contract is 13mth into it and the returned (not my origanal phone) has gone past its ''apparent'' 3mth warranty time...I made a complaint but conmuincation between staff/countries etc does not seem the best and I have had enough with explaining my situation to endless different people with supposed agreed ''we will fix it for you''sir answers...Any help I can get from more ''in the know'' people would be very appreciated my friend...I am lucky that I have good friends that have aided me until I can hopefully get this sorted out...My confidance in Apple and Vodafone has been dented somewhat
22-05-2017 03:52 PM
Hi Again
I am new to this forum so how can I place this post in the Customer Support Please
22-05-2017 04:47 PM
Hi, just for information, my phone (not an iphone) recently went for repair, the mother board required changing and as such the phone came back with a new IMEI number, so that could be the cause of the new IMEI number?
23-05-2017 01:39 PM
@stickler I've sent you a private message with details on how to get in touch, we'll look into this further.
23-05-2017 09:20 PM
Thanks...shall have a look
24-05-2017 11:31 AM
@stickler Our team will do everything we can to ensure this is looked into for you. :smileyhappy:
Once you've completed the form, you'll received an automated email to say that we've had it.
This will contain a unique reference number [#12334456] - if you let us know this number, we'll be more than happy to chase this up.