22-01-2010 12:29 AM
12-02-2010 09:33 PM
I had to send a couple of e-mails with all my personal details in order to get a not very clear answer! Why they could not give me the answer just with the mobile broadband number I don't know. It seems that if you purchased a dongle on the old terms that remains for the life of the dongle. So every time you renew you get 1GB for £15 and it lasts up to 270 days. Clearly the new system is a backward step for many consumers who are light users and the additional 2GB which you now get with the 30 day top-up is of little recompense. Perhaps what Vodafone should think about is a daily/weekly top-up at a reasonable price.
15-02-2010 11:25 AM
05-03-2010 11:44 AM
05-03-2010 05:46 PM
08-03-2010 02:05 PM
Heya moorsey,
As this is an account specific query I'm going to drop you an email, simply reply with the details requested on the email and one of the team will be able to see which one you are on.
eForum Team
14-03-2010 09:56 AM
14-03-2010 06:11 PM
15-03-2010 01:20 PM
I can confirm that as of 26th December, the Top Up and Go service changed.
There is a 30 day expiry on the top ups, from then on.
Also now instead of getting 1GB of data for £15, you'll now be getting 3GB of data for the same price.
eForum Team
16-03-2010 12:38 PM
16-03-2010 06:22 PM