22-06-2009 12:33 PM
22-06-2009 11:06 PM
23-06-2009 09:18 PM
Hi thorny,
I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing excruciatingly slow speeds when using your Mobile Broadband device, and I can certainly appreciate why you are so dissatisfied with this service.
Can I firstly ask, you mention you have a mobile handset with us, are you able to pick up any sort of 3G connection with the mobile handset or is it the same with both devices?
I would like us to take a look in to this for you, If you could provide us with your post code so we can see why there is such a slow connection on the Mobile Broadband 3G service in your local area.
Just finally to mention, the disconnection, I would assume that the contract isn't near to it's end date, if this is the case then there would be an early disconnection fee for the immediate disconnection to occur. although I would like to think that we can avoid this by obtaining a valid reason to why the broadband speeds are so slow.
Many thanks
eForum Team
P.S. If there are other Broadband users who are experiencing issues with their speeds, please check your local 3G coverage firstly by using out online Mobile Broadband coverage checker.
24-06-2009 09:36 AM
24-06-2009 11:12 AM
Hi Thorny
Thanks for coming back to us with your postcode here. I've just checked our slightly more specific coverage checker and can confirm that 3G coverage is very patchy which means you will only get outdoor coverage. 2G will be absolutely fine though.
The disconnection fee is there because this is what the duration of the rest of the contract would cost. Vodafone cannot garantee signal within houses due to the fact that electrical devices within the house can cause interfernce. Also, the contract that you have is for the connection to the network. At the moment you should have brilliant connection to our 2G network. Can you confirm that you have selected 2G only on your broadband. Does this stay stable?
Please let me know and we'll help as much as we can
eForum Team
24-06-2009 04:58 PM
Hi Andrew
No I haven't got just 2G selected as when I was sold the contract I was told I was in a good to excellent 3G service area (Which they actually showed me on the computer using your 3G Checker online). 2G was never mentioned and would 2G not make it slower anyway?
If this is the case and my only good connection would be 2G yet I was sold a 3G service by a Vodafone employee who also advised I would probably see speeds of 7.2 mbps, again I have to ask the question why should Vodafone customers have to pay a disconnection fee when we are sold something which then turns out to be untrue? At the end of the day I was sold a 3G Mobile Broadband Service and now I am being told I may only be able to use 2G? How is that fair?