31-01-2017 02:07 PM
My phone hasn't had the OTA update yet.
It has Android 6.0, Sense 7.0 and Software 3.35.401.32.
I am with Vodafone UK, but purchased this handset separately.
How can I tell if my phone is setup by Vodafone handset?
I have seen the file online ~1.9GB.
Can I downlaod and install it myself?
If I do it will it be ok, or will I brick it?
Rgds Simon
[Samung S8 & Vodafone V8 (business)]
06-02-2017 08:33 AM
All good so far, a few iterative improvements, nothing major.
Haven't noticed any signififcant chnages in battery life, which is good, although it is poor due the age of the phone (why do they seal them in and make thenm difficult to replace, grrrr)!
Rgds Simon
[Samung S8 & Vodafone V8 (business)]
06-02-2017 08:43 AM
Thank you for your insight @simonmurray
I'm still using the Samsung s7 edge and from reading up on Nougat and watching YouTube videos it looks to bring some nice new additions.
It looks to update the Ui too making it a cleaner interface and improving general navigation around the settings.
My battery is sealed in too which I assume in my case is partly in connection to the Water Resistance aspect.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
06-02-2017 12:18 PM
I haven't had it yet either, @thesoupdragon. :smileysad:
09-02-2017 09:40 AM
I have noticed a few quirks, all never experienced previously on this handset:
1. I have had several Facebook crashes.
2. At times, some apps can be slow to open.
3. Last night during & after a couple of brief internet searches, it heated up significantly, and afterward the battery ran down exceptionally quickly.
Rgds Simon
[Samung S8 & Vodafone V8 (business)]
09-02-2017 04:17 PM - edited 10-02-2017 11:48 AM
If any of this persists, you may need to do a factory reset. Don't forget to sync your contacts and calendar, back up your content and remove the sd card (the process can format those) if you have one.
Equally, it may be initialising stuff and settle down, so give it a bit before you take the nuclear option.
10-02-2017 12:57 PM
If you're concerned about your phone overheating and your phone's under warranty, please pop into your local Vodafone store so we can take a look.
10-02-2017 03:36 PM
As I understand it, this particular phone was purchase separately form the contract, so wouldn't be covered by a Vodafone warranty. It would be covered by HTC, though. However, I doubt this is a hardware fault.
16-02-2017 09:00 AM
Agreed on both counts....obviously not the sharpest techie!!
Rgds Simon
[Samung S8 & Vodafone V8 (business)]
16-02-2017 03:50 PM
I still haven't had it. Have you, @thesoupdragon?
16-02-2017 04:47 PM
I wouldn't recommend upgrading.
Having serious issues with the phone dialler, which fails and crashes!:manfrustrated:
Rgds Simon
[Samung S8 & Vodafone V8 (business)]